Principal's Report

Welcome to Term 2. We have had a fantastic start so far and all students are settled and engaged in the wide range of activities (including lunch time clubs) through the school day!
ANZAC Commemoration at LPS
I hope everyone got to commemorate ANZAC Day in their own way. I know many of us have family links not only to the ANZACS but also to the many men and women that have been involved in various conflicts around the world.
I wanted to thank Lieutenant Commander David Latham (Ret.) again for his commitment to our school each year. He always provides a child friendly story about his experience or about a conflict each year and I think we all walk away having learned something new about Australian involvement in various wars. David also speaks to the Year 4s in Term 1 each year.
See our third instalment on our website (under the Community tab) of the “You Don’t Put Tomato Sauce on Your Dim Sims” podcast to hear from David.
Always a pleasure to have David at LPS!
Sibling Enrolment
It is that time of year again where I ask for parents who are ready to enrol a brother or sister to please come and get an enrolment pack from the office. Our recent tours have been well attended. If you know anyone who would like a tour, please have them contact the office for tour dates and times. All enrolment forms are due by Friday 26th July, 2024. The earlier the better!
I have a concern.
What music does your child listen to?
Our staff and I have had to follow-up too many language-related incidences in the yard. In many ways the language is not meant to be used in an offensive way, however the words being used are highly offensive.
After speaking with many of our Year 5 and Year 6 students I believe this is primarily coming from the music they are listening to (and to a lesser extent the You Tubers they are watching). I have spoken to all Year 5 and Year 6 students about this as a group. I strongly suggest all parents have a chat with their child about the music they listen to, many of the artists that are being listened to use language and themes highly inappropriate for primary aged students.
Athletics Day
Despite all the challenges such as inclement weather and vandalism to the water lines (leaving us without any water at Ballam Park) we pulled off a (cold) but wonderful day at our annual 3-6 athletics carnival. A huge thank you to Mrs Spence for all the organising and bookings that go into a day like this. Another thankyou to the EMC Leaders In Sport students for their help and to all staff and volunteers for helping make this work!
Have a great fortnight,
Mark Moorhouse