School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

We celebrated Neurodiversity Week last week and it was so cool to hear the conversations happening in classrooms and in the yard. We even heard about some conversations around the dinner table! It's so cool to see students working with others doing activities around neurodiversity as it celebrates all of our brains being different. We hope to continue to shine a light on our differences to celebrate our personal superhero strengths! 

Foundation/1 Big Idea in Maths 

Foundation/1 have been working on the Big Idea in Maths "Trusting the Count." We have looked at all the different ways that we can count, and how we can use different strategies  to be fast and effective. 

Grade 4 Buddy visit to Little Stones Kinder room

Some grade 4 students were lucky enough this week to head across to the Kinder room at Little Stones in Romsey where we did some reading, craft activities and played games. The kinder kids were all excited about spider webs so it was great to see the big kids helping them to make different types of webs out of wool.


2/3/4 Maths - data collection and graphing

The grade 2/3/4's have been practicing different ways to collect data and drawing graphs to show our data. We have all improved at drawing accurate and neat graphs and enjoyed discovering different ways to collect our data. 


Author Visit

The lovely Emma Bowd (author of many books including the bestseller The Day You were Born) visited Newham Primary School on Wednesday 13th March to help celebrate International Happiness Day 2024 on Monday 20th March and to read her new book called This Is My Happy Place. We are lucky she has offered to come up here for a whirlwind tour…

Emma has written three well known children’s books which she read to the lower and middle grades:




You can purchase them from Red Door Books in Lancefield if you would like copies for home. 

John Webb & Emma Stevens

Red Door Books Lancefield


Phone:03 5429 2566

Mobile: 0400 078 580 OR 0428 291 904 


34 High St Lancefield VIC 3435