Year 7 - Starting Secondary School 

Our 2025 Year 7 cohort are now officially Secondary School students, starting their high school journey on Wednesday 29th January. Our largest cohort of students in many years, the 2025 Year 7’s comprise 9 classes (from 7A to 7I) of 220 students, hailing from some 36 different Primary Schools right across Melbourne and the state of Victoria, with two students even returning to Australia from lengthy stints overseas.


Starting Secondary School can be a nerve wracking experience for a young person - leaving the familiarity and comfort of a smaller Primary School with a teacher who is well known to them - to join a much larger school with unfamiliar adults as the youngest students again - it is a lot to take in and adjust to. Thornbury High prides itself on its transition process, aiming to make this major transitional period as fun, friendly and inclusive as possible. By giving our students time to organise, settle and get familiar with their new surroundings, we give them the best possible chance of early success once classes start - we feel that our Year 7’s in 2025 have taken to their new school very confidently.


At the time of writing, we are now in our 5th week of school for 2025 - with the first major school event already completed last week (Swimming Carnival). It was wonderful to see our newest students enjoying their first sports carnival, meeting new friends and experiencing the Thornbury High house system for the first time. We look forward to further school events such as Year 7 camp, Athletics Carnivals, School productions, Music Concerts and excursions where our Year 7’s can continue to grow and excel.


Thanks to all families for their support over this big transitional period and we wish all our newest students good luck and lots of success over the next 6 years. 


Pieter Oosterloo, Georgia Stavrakis and Claudia Giarrusso

Year 7 Team