General Information

Important Information

Student Expectations

As a part of your evening and morning routine your child should be learning to be organised with their belongings. It is an expectation that your child comes to school on time before 9:00am with everything that they need for the day, including their school bag, homework, snack, lunch, water bottle and appropriate clothing to suit the weather.  Please also remind your child of your meeting point for pick up each school day.  


Please limit phone calls to the school to pass on messages to students.  Messages to students should only occur if there is an emergency.


It is an expectation that all students are at school for the full day, the only exception is if they are unwell or need to attend a medical appointment.  When organising medical appointments please try and make them before or after school.  Please email the teacher advising them of this appointment.  On the day, please come to the office door and we will organise your child to come to the office.  

2025 Term Dates

Term 1 - Wednesday 29th January 2025 - 4th April 2025

Term 2 - Tuesday 22nd April - 4th July 2025

Term 3 - Monday 21st July - 19th September 2025

Term 4 - Monday 6th October - 19th December 2025


1:30pm finish on the last day of each term.

Compass Sick Bay Notifications

If your child attends sick bay you will receive an email notification via Compass with all the details rather than the paper notes that we had sent home in the past. If you receive a notification you do not need to contact us, we will contact you if it is anything serious. Most sick bay visits are minor ailments and children are usually sent back to class.

Attendance - Late Arrival/Early Departure

If your child arrives late to school you need to send them to the front office to pick up a late pass so we can then put them in the system as late - parent choice, otherwise they will be marked absent - unexplained and you will receive a notification at 10:30am informing you that your child is absent.  If your child has an appointment please ring ahead so we can put that in the system.


If you are needing to pick up your child early for an appointment please arrange for them to meet you at the office or call ahead so that we can arrange for your child to be at the office when you arrive.  


Please do not arrange for your child to be picked up between 11:10-12:00pm (Lunch-time break) or 2:00-2:30pm (recess) as once the children are outside it is very difficult to locate them. On a Monday afternoon at 3:00pm there is a whole school assembly, so please avoid this time also.


Parents are not to go the classroom to collect their child/children or drop them off.


Student Medical Information

If your child has been in hospital, having tests or has a medical history that we have not been informed about, it is very important that you inform the office this will assist the school in treating your child in the first aid room or in an emergency.


If your child has been diagnosed with any allergies, asthma, anaphylaxis it is important that you inform the school as soon as possible.  All allergies, asthma and anaphylaxis must have the appropriate forms completed by your doctor with an action plan provided and medication provided to the school.



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