In the classroom

Foundation / Grade 1
The beginning of the year has been a buzz with lots of learning and challenging ourselves to try new things. We have begun the InitiaLit journey with learning about words in a sentence, rhyming words and for the Grade 1s, a revision on the sounds we learnt last year. We have been building on our skills around taking turns, listening to others and taking our time. During Numeracy we have looked at patterns and collecting data.
Grade 1/2
The 1/2 students have enjoyed getting stuck into their literacy learning with InitiaLit, using whiteboards to write out words with the sounds we are learning and our tricky words, these are sounds with uncommon sounds or sounds that do not usually make. They have also enjoyed the follow up activities to practice the sounds we are learning.
Grade 3/4/5
The students have made a fabulous start to the new school year. Students are learning new school and classroom routines as we settle into our new Magnify program. Our Ochre Study Units focus on some great literature throughout the year. Grade 3/4 have begun with Matilda by Roald Dahl and Grade 4/5 are studying War Horse by Michael Morpurgo.
The Grade 3/4 Overnight Camp is coming up on March 13/14. It is an outdoor education experience at Murray Life Adventures, a short bus trip away in Torrumbary.
The Grade 5/6 Two Night Camp will be in Term Two, with an outdoor education trip to Byrneside Camp in Anglesea, on May 5/6/7.
Grade 6
Our Writing focus in Year 6 has been on Persuasive texts. We have been comparing the difference between personal and objective arguments. Students have begun to plan and write their body paragraphs for the topic 'It is Important to Understand your Family History'. Our body paragraph structure will include a topic sentence, supporting details and a concluding sentence.
In Maths, in Year 6 we are still focusing on Data Representation. Students are learning to review graphs and identify misleading data. We are working towards evaluating the accuracy of data displays. Students have been constructing accurate representations of data. They will be able to describe the distribution of data using the mode, range and shape.