Principal Update

St Francis, Nathalia is a child safe school.  

We promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children.

An update from our Principal


Dear Parents / Guardians, Staff, Students and Friends of St Francis Primary School,


The Season of Lent:

Next Wednesday, March 5 is Ash Wednesday.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent.  It is a season of penance, reflection and fasting that prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  It is through this Resurrection that we attain redemption.


The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year.  While the ashes symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful on those who call on him with repentant hearts. 


God’s mercy is very important during the season of Lent, and the Church calls on us to seek that mercy during the entire Lenten season.  It is not just a time of self-discipline but an opportunity for self-development and growth. 


Each year Lent is a joyful and exciting time at school.  As we journey towards Easter, the most sacred of times on the Christian calendar, and support Project Compassion and in turn Caritas.  On Wednesday we celebrate with a liturgy to signify the beginning of Lent and our journey towards Easter.  Thank you to Miss Flynn for organizing our liturgy.


Kim O’Keefe MP visit:

At Monday’s school assembly, we were fortunate to be joined by Kim O’Keefe MP. Kim is the state member for Shepparton.  Kim spoke to the Year 6 students about government and how parliament works as well as taking many questions about her role and the parliament in general.  Kim also presented our Year 6 leaders with a leadership certificate to wish them well on their leadership journey.  We thank Kim for taking the time out of her busy schedule to join us at St Francis and become a part of our community for a short time.


The assembly showcased the talents of many of our students with several awards presented.  This week Bodhi Bourke received the Principals Award for being very kind and helpful to students in the yard.  Congratulations Bodhi.  Thank you also to the many parents, care givers and grandparents who joined us for assembly.  The gathering space had a great vibe with it being full of students, staff and families.  Our families and friends are always welcome at our community events such as assembly and I thank everybody again for coming.



With Peace and Goodwill,


Matt Carver



After School Pick-Up

Please remember to collect your child from the school gate.  This helps us to ensure the safety of our school community.