We are thrilled to welcome our new staff members to our school community!


From left to right

Jane Strickland - Health and PE

Stephen Young - VCE Maths

Bernice Bengston - English

Tyson Biffon - Assistant Principal

Chelsea Connell - PE, Maths

Scott Mackie - Business Admin Trainee

Mitch Andrew - PE, Health and Maths

Jai Douthat - Maths, Humanities and PE


Also new to our school but missing from the photo are -

Liam Wall - English and Humanities

Michael Knowles - Maths

Liam Wall
Michael Knowles
Liam Wall
Michael Knowles

Want to learn more about our new staff? Keep an eye on our Facebook page, where we’ll be sharing their bios in the coming weeks. Be sure to like, comment, and give them a warm welcome!