Welcome to the 2025 school year at Korumburra Secondary College. It’s been great to welcome our new Year 7s into our community, as well as several new families. It is hard to believe it's only Week 3 of the school year – Term 1 is always packed full of learning and extracurricular activities.
With growing enrolments, we employed six new teaching staff and a business trainee, who are all settling in well to their new roles - keep your eye out for their introductory bios on our Facebook page. We have already held Student 360 meetings where students meet their mentors to set up for a successful year, Year 12 Camp at Allambee, our whole school swimming sports, Year 9 Sailing Camp for Outdoor Education students and VCE Information evening all within the first three weeks. The Year 7 students were welcomed at the first whole school assembly and awarded their "wings" (pins with the school logo).
The annual swimming sports had a perfect weather day, and it was a wonderful community event. Watching the students enjoy novelty events such as “Hungry Hippo” was just as much a highlight as the swimming carnival, and participation was high on the day. It was a privilege to give out ribbons to all swimmers and congratulate them on their efforts and achievements.
The Year 12s had an excellent camp at Allambee, which has helped set them on the path of bonding together to tackle their final year of schooling. Our VCE and VCEVM information night reinforced the messages around what it takes to be successful, how to pace studies, manage stresses and give VCE your absolute best. It takes a family commitment to support a student through Year 12 and it was great to see our families in attendance.
The number of cars queuing up each afternoon through the car loop at pick-up time has increased and is causing some traffic management issues, especially on Jumbunna Rd. Any community members driving along this road around 3.15 pm on school days are urged to be patient if the traffic is stopped and to watch for vehicles and buses coming out of the school. We are working through options to make this safer, and have had a number of different organisations come out to look at the issues. Any potential actions will take some time to become reality. Please take care driving past or into and out of our school and observe the STOP sign at the exit near the bus loop.
Our Teaching and Learning and Wellbeing focus is on consistent School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Inclusive education for all. We want every student, staff member and visitor to feel safe and supported and to thrive at Korumburra Secondary College. Teachers will work on what this looks like in their classrooms as our focus for the year and we are excited to soon launch the values work after extensive community consultation in 2024.
Our School Council elections are coming up soon and we encourage you to consider nominating. More will come out about this in the next few weeks.
We would also like to invite community members to participate in working parties that will give feedback on Teaching and Learning Initiatives and Wellbeing and Inclusion programs and policies. These will be short-term arrangements and don’t require a huge commitment of time, with a clear beginning and end to your involvement. If you would like to join a working party to support our engagement with the community please email Acting Principal Naomi Coleman at or School Council President Brad Beach at