On the Sidelines


Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport and ASP Sport



Rockets Vs Bushrangers

Jets- BYE

Hot Shots




Hot Shots





















Round 2 of interschool sport  will be held on February 21st with the Rockets playing at home against Mill Park with Hot Shots, Netball and Volleyball played at MPHPS. The Jets will be playing away against St Damians with Hot Shots, Netball and Volleyball played at St Damians PS. 


Round 3 of interschool sport will be held on February 28th with Rockets playing at home against the St Francis Falcons with Hot Shots, Netball and Volleyball played at MPHPS. The Jets will be playing away against Findon with Hot Shots, Netball and Volleyball played at Findon PS.


Our Alternative Sports Program is well underway with our studens enjoying experiences in the areas of Taekwondo, Soccer, Rugby and Hot Shots at MPHPS.


What a great way to start the year in sport at the Heights!


BDSSA swimming carnival


Our annual Bundoora District Sports Association Swim carnival is coming up on February 25.  We look forward to taking a squad of 19 students to participate on the day! Good luck to everyone involved, we love to see our school values of Personal Best and Team Work in action. 


Heights, heights, heights goooooo heights!!



What's happening in PE and PMP this term

 What a great start to our Phys ed and Sport programs we have had! We have enjoyed getting to know our students and setting up our programs and expectations in fun and exciting teamwork games! Please remember that your child needs their hat and a drink bottle filled with water as well as appropriate footwear on their Phys Ed and Sport days. 

This term our PE program sees the F-3 students continuing to refine and master their Fundamental Movement skills whilst our 4-6 program will be focussing on various tactics and strategies in the game sense curriculum.



PE Run/dodge and underarm toss

PMP focus on boundaries, spatial awareness, locomotor skills, balance and simple language concepts such as on/off, in/out, over/under


Year 1 

Run/dodge and underarm toss in isolation and small group settings


Year 2 

Run/dodge and underarm toss in Minor Game settings


Year 3 

Overhand throw and Catch in Minor Game settings


Year 4

Striking and Fielding games with particular focus on hitting to space to score more runs and covering space to stop the opposition scoring runs


Year 5 

Striking and Fielding Games with particular focus on where to hit the ball to score more runs and how to work as a team to stop the opposition scoring runs


Year 6

Striking and Fielding with particular focus on how and where to place the ball and 'judge a run' and score runs safely. Whilst building on our Fielding tactics of covering space and working efficiently in the field as a team to get the opposition out. 


Bike safety

We love to see so many students riding their bikes to school and seeking active transport to get to school. A reminder to walk bikes and scooters in and out of the school grounds and to ensure that all students who are riding bikes or scooters where a helmet which is properly secured.