Learning and Teaching News

Mr Adam Knight and Mrs Leigh Jackson

A word from our Academic Captain

Last week during Year 12 ASH, our College and Vice Captains presented a brief speech about their portfolio. Below is the beginning of what Academic Vice Captain Aidan Philips presented. It nicely summarises not just the intention of our Academic Captains this year but also the Academic Care Team. 


I didn’t want to talk about my values straight away, so instead I want to first introduce myself by telling you a story:

This story is about two stonemasons working on a massive cathedral. A man walking by stops to watch them and asks the first stonemason, “What are you doing?”

The stonemason wipes the sweat from his brow and grumbles, “I’m laying bricks. It’s hard, repetitive work and it never seems to end.”

The man then walks up to the second stonemason and asks the same question. But this time, the worker looks up with a proud smile and says, “I’m building a cathedral. Each stone I place brings us one step closer to something incredible.”

Both men were doing the same job, but only one saw the bigger picture. Only one understood that his work had meaning beyond the task itself.

I tell this story because, like the second stonemason, I believe that everything we do at this school has a greater purpose. I believe that each of us has abilities worth celebrating and that no effort is ever wasted when it’s pushing us each towards something bigger. The second stonemason clearly had a love for the cathedral he was building, just like my love for the college, because I firmly believe that the traditions, the brotherhood and the moments we share here shape who we are and what we will become.

As Academic Captain, my role isn’t just about grades, NAPLAN and curriculum. It’s about establishing opportunities for the younger students, creating ways for each student to recognise and develop their own abilities. And as Xavier said, it’s about belief—not just in success, but in the fact that everyone has something to contribute...

Student Monitoring Week 

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, encourages a rethinking of goal setting to maximise change. Focus on the process and habits that lead to a goal being achieved rather than the end product. It is the incremental and sustained shifts in behaviour that make goals achievable. 


2025 is a new year, providing an opportunity to pause, reflect and assess whether we achieved our goals in 2024. Perhaps we fell short and now is the time to consider how we can adjust our habits to achieve them in 2025.


Teachers have been reviewing their systems in the lead-up to the term and as a school, we will continue this process under the leadership of pastoral group teachers. Pastoral teachers will review targets and processes with boys in the coming weeks. A key focus of these discussions will be on boys changing their own systems and processes to make goals achievable.


Mentoring weeks will occur during pastoral care during:

  • Week 2 – Years 7 and 8
  • Week 3 – Years 9 and 10
  • Week 4 – Years 10 and 11

These weeks provide an opportunity for conversations between students and teachers and it is important for boys to identify their goals, the processes that need to be changed and a timeline of implementation. Some key guiding questions will be:

  • What is my goal?
  • What is my current habit that may limit me from reaching this goal?
  • What habits need to change for me to achieve this goal?
  • What is my timeline for achievement? 

Diary Use

It is expected that each boy has a diary that is free from markings, in good order, and filled out at the end of each lesson.


As a school, we encourage students to be self-regulating, and building good organisational habits is central to this. The boys are responsible for their learning, and their organisation and preparation will determine their success.


Teachers will continue to monitor diary usage and assist boys with their organisation.

As guardians, please continue to sight and sign the diary weekly. Pastoral care teachers will also sight and sign diaries weekly.

Years 9-11 Subject Changes  

Over the break, students in Years 9-11 may have decided to change elective subjects that they chose last year. If your son would like to change his subjects, please encourage him to visit the Academic Care Office (located under the Senior Library)  

  • Year 9 subject changes: Curriculum Leader - Middle Years (Ashley Hutchings) or Assistant Head of College – Learning and Teaching Middle Years (Leigh Jackson)
  • Years 10-11 subject changes: Curriculum Leader - Senior Years (Kathryn Badini) or Assistant Head of College – Learning and Teaching (Adam Knight) 

 All subject changes need to be completed and submitted by Wednesday 5 February (Week 2). 

NAPLAN Readiness Testing for Year 7 and Year 9 Students

This Tuesday and Wednesday, Year 7 and Year 9 students will participate in the NAPLAN Readiness Testing.


Details for Year 9 NAPLAN Readiness Testing:

  • Date: Tuesday 4 February 2025
  • Location: Champagnat Centre
  • Time: Periods 1-3

Details for Year 7 NAPLAN Readiness Testing:

  • Date: Wednesday 5 February 2025
  • Location: Champagnat Centre
  • Time: Periods 1-3

What students need to bring:

  • A fully charged laptop
  • Wired headphones/earphones
  • Pen
  • Water bottle

The purpose of the practice test is to familiarise students with the online testing experience ahead of the NAPLAN tests in March. These sessions will also assist schools with technical readiness checks, so no results will be recorded. 


All students will participate in the session. At the end of Period 3, students will return to their regular timetable classes. 


For further information about NAPLAN, please refer to the email sent last week, which included an information brochure. Additionally, the public demonstration site is an excellent resource for both students and parents, offering more practice tests to help students continue familiarising themselves with the platform. Click on the link to access the Public Demonstration site: NAPLAN Public Demonstration Site 


We appreciate your support in ensuring students come prepared with the necessary items.

Student Laptops 

All Year 7 and 10 students and any new students to the College have been issued with their laptops. Rory Edwards (Director of Information Technology) and his team implemented an excellent plan to ensure students received their devices prior to the start of the term, enabling a smooth transition into learning. 


If you have any questions about your son’s laptop, please contact the College's IT HelpDesk at computerservice@marash.qld.edu.au.

2025 Calendar  

The College calendar provided to each family, and available on the Orbit app, outlines the scheduled exam blocks across the year for students in Years 7-12. Please ensure you check these Exam Block dates before booking any holidays, as they are an essential and compulsory part of the learning process at the College. Leave is not granted to students during this time.   


Please note that a medical certificate is required for all students from Years 7-12 who are absent during the exam blocks.

Assessment Schedules   

On Friday of  Week 3, your son will have access to his assessment schedule. This can be located on Student Café and the Orbit app. As per the information provided above, your son is encouraged to download this schedule and transfer assessment dates to his College Diary. There will be more information on accessing this information in the Week 3 newsletter.

Year 12 Study Session

On Wednesdays 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Year 12 students are able to access the Library for their own private study. This is a privilege for Year 12 students in preparation for their senior assessment and a recommended study habit. In the past, students have used this time to work on their external exam study nights, prepare their drafts, or even create small study groups. Students will need to sign in and out. They can arrive and leave at any time between 5:00pm – 8:00pm; but they are not able to keep coming and leaving during the night.

2024 Semester 2 Award Recipients 

Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded academic awards during the Inaugural Mass last Friday: 


Year 5, 2024 

Jack Anderson, Perry Ballinger, Benjamin Blinkhoff, George Bond, Grayson Burke, Joseph Byrne, Benjamin Crerar, Harrison Davis, Max Davis, Hamish Donnelly, Aaron Doyle, Henry Dwyer, Jack Felix, William Firouz, Cameron Fitzpatrick, Chandler Forrest, Angus Graham, Olivier Grammare, Remy Grammare, Edward Hallo, Maverick Hardiker, Matthew Hendrick, William Jackson, Jack James, Benjamin Jefferies, Joseph Kahler, Orlando Kelly, Harrison Kirkman, Tejas Koirala, Spencer Leach, Charlie Maclean, William McLaren, Callum Murphy, Noah Newman, Toby Patricks, William Petie, Jack Rayner, Jimmy Ryan, Daniel Sadimenko, Leo Scuderi, Lewis Shirley, Harmon Sidhu, George Swan, Oscar Symonds, Patrick Thirgood, Ruben Vos, Jack White, Oscar Wilton, Man Yeung.


Year 6, 2024 

Owen Ambrose, Barnaby Armstrong, Thomas Ball, Beau Ballinger, Yevin Bandara, Flynn Barrett, Lincoln Bartlett, Finn Beaver, Mitchell Belyea, Nicholas Bray, Jake Byrne, Balthazar Caesar, Joe Campion, Daniel Carey, James Channells, Knight Chan-Riotto, Campbell Chapman, Cameron Cleary, Brody Corsini, Lucas Crowley, Charles Davis, Cormac Gannon, Dominic Guinea, Patrick Hambleton, Archer Hardiker, Edward Heenan, Harrison Heisel, Archie Jankowski, Sebastian Kaminski, Maxwell King, Roman Krutil, Harrison Lewis, Hugo Lockhart, Thomas Macdonald, Harry Maher, Samuel Martin, Samuel Mellifont, Levi Milton, William Minahan, Benjamin Mulholland, James Murdoch, Joshua Nolan, Connor O'Neill, George Padilla, Luca Pozzebon, Liam Santos, Brendan Sarich, Oliver Scott, Harry Stevens, Lachlan Widt, Cooper Williams, Jack Willoughby, Nathan Wright.


Year 7, 2024 

Severiano Ahlholm, Oliver Allen, Harry Anderson, Samuel Bennett, Julian Bishop, Justin Bong, Charlie Bradford, Oscar Broad, Wyatt Castleman, Pedro Chadud, Cooper Chaseling, Nicolas Cienfuegos, Ned Clifford, Alasdair Coghill, Jayden Cooper, Jimmy Corbett, William Croft, Oliver Crowley, Matthew Davies, Jackson Davis, Jack Donohue, Morgan Elphinston, Oliver France, Patrick Garton, Isaac Gervais, Harrison Gill, Sebastien Grammare, Frankie Hain, Jack Hamilton, Harry Heather, Xavier Hill, Mitchell Hind, Alexander Holding, George Holland, Oliver Holt, Lincoln Hughes, Xavier Hunter, Hunter Kayra, Tristan Krueger, Casey Kuhnert, Jackson Lacy, Luke Landolt, Hugo Larard, Harrison Leigh, Cooper Lewis, Ethan Lian, Henry Mackay, Archie Martin, Hamish McAndrew, Caleb McCluskey, Lachlan McDonough, Joshua McLean, Oliver Milner, Flynn Mohr, Benjamin Nolan, Leo O'Rourke, Oliver Petrie, James Phelan, Hamish Pope, Harvey Pye, Sean Rennick, Rahul Rodrigues, Remi Rowland, Isaac Ruffini, Hugo Russo, Ronan Sadimenko, Lachlan Scanlan, Alistair Schweitzer, Quinn Smith, Jack Somerville, Angus Steel, James Stigter, James Stute, Adhithya Sudheesh, Jed Taylor, Joseph Tickle, Noah Watherston, Ethan Wu, Luca Zanre, Laith Zhouand.


Year 8, 2024 

Zac Andersen, Edward Armstrong, Isaac Bell, Oliver Blakemore, Samuel Blinkhoff, Andrew Boys, William Broughton, Ewan Cahill, Nathaniel Christison, Thomas Corby, Harry Coulter, Jack Davis, Oliver Davis-Dodd, Cormac Deady, Remi Dehamel, Teo Dehamel, James Doolan, Leo Doolan, William Dunn, Oliver Dyer, Caleb Fuller, Christopher Hartfiel, George Henderson, William Hutchinson, Jakob Ibrahim, Reilly Keane, Yuvraj Keeney, Charlie Kelly, Archie Knowles, Felix Law, Barnabas Leadbeater, Liam Lunney, Christian Manning, William Marshall, Benjamin Mason, Isaac Mastenbroek, Hamish Myers, Aarav Patel, Riordan Patterson, Harry Player, Gabriel Pua, William Quinn, Eamon Reeves, Thomas Ryan, Remington Sakzewski, Callum Schramm, Thomas Shaxson, Montek Sidhu, Parker Stayte, Quinlan Taylor, Edwin Thompson, Oliver Ve, Henry Walker, Jesse Walter, Timothy Watts, William Webster, Lucas Weigl, Dominic Whitham.


Year 9, 2024 

Matthew Alvarez, Hamish Ansell, Clancy Barrett, Thomas Bartlett, Jenson Bartlett, Darcy Bennett, Luca Bordignon, Theo Calder, Connor Campbell, Jack Cannon, Julian Cassar, Lachlan Chandler, Patrick Collins, Harry Cootes, Callum Curtin, Luke Dwyer, Harry Eccleston, Max Edye, Archer Engstrom, Jakub Falcnik, Benjamin Fernan, Ben Flanagan, Bryce Franklin, Rafael Gonsalves, Blake Guest, Marshall Hair, Tomas Hammond, Jeremy Harvey, Cooper Heather, Ethan Heiner, Harrison Hind, Aiden Honke, Tarkyn Howard, Mason Irving, Hamish Jackson, Joshua Jones, Benjamin Kahler, Riley Kennedy, Reilly Keogh, Archie Langler, Julian Lewis, Jack Liddell, Thomas Lynn, Aidan Mansul, Samuel Mapledoram, Thomas Masel, Lachlan McAndrew, Harry McAuliffe, Maximillian McRae, Ryan Mendes, Dustin Miller, Harrison Monaghan, Owen Moreira, Tate Morrison, Coen Netzler, Jacob Newman, Joseph Niere, Cristiano Nodari, Jack Northcote, Cormac O'Leary, Aiden O'Reilly, Loughlan Patterson, Xavier Peatey, Samuel Plumb, Nicolas Pola, Thomas Revis, Ike Rowland, Adrian Simon, Joshua Simonetti, James Starrenburg, William Stigter, Thomas Stute, Ethan Taylor, Shehan Tenison, Nathan Ware, Alastair Williams.


Year 10, 2024 

Aiden Agnew, Oliver Bishop, Tyson Cooper, William Davis, James Dee, Lucas Dempsey, Oliver Eaton, Levi Fisher, Tobias Forbes, Harper Frazier, Adrian Garbellini, Luke Garvey, Benjamin Hawley, Alessander Javier, Dylan Jennison, Alexander Keane, Cade Kelly, William Lambley, Daniel Londema, Toby McCormack, James Milasas, Ryan Mullin, Joseph Murphy, Lachlan Pawsey, Jack Purcell, Jackson Skinner, Gianlucca Stacke, Matthew Stower, Daniel Thirgood, Isaac Ting, Caden Tucker, Jack Webster, Fletcher Wessling, Ewan Wood, Harry Zappert.