Specialists - Visual Arts (Mrs Bleicher)

News from the Art Room
Congratulations to all our students for coming along to their first art lesson ready to uphold our school values by being safe, friendly, and well-mannered in our creative space!
A big thank you to everyone who has already remembered to bring their smock to school. Year 3-6 students may prefer to wear an apron. It can get very messy in the Art room, so wearing a smock will help protect our school uniforms from becoming stained.
A smock with long sleeves and an elastic-gathered neckline and cuffs is ideal, as it provides good coverage of clothes and is easier to put on and take off.
Smocks will be kept in classrooms and sent home regularly for laundering.
Please ensure your child’s smock is clearly labelled with their name and room number before sending it to school.
Smocks can also be purchased from our school uniform supplier, Beleza.
Thank you for your support!
Deirdre Bleicher
Yearbook Cover Design Winners
Last year, our JSC organised the 2024 Yearbook Cover Design competition. We would like to extend our congratulations to the talented winners and are excited to showcase their artwork on the cover of the upcoming 2024 Yearbook, which is currently being printed. Copies of the yearbook are expected to arrive at school by the end of February and will be distributed to families.
Our competition winners will be recognised at a future assembly and will each receive their own copy of the 2024 Yearbook.
Congratulations, Abby and Zahra!