National Gallery of Victoria Top Arts Folio Viewing

On Tuesday the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting students and Art Creative Practice students went to see the 2024 Top Arts exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria in Fed Square.
Once the students arrived at the gallery, after a short commute in the morning from Tarneit Station, they had the unique opportunity to look through the visual art folios of the highest achieving 2023 VCE students for both subjects in the state. This allowed our students to see high quality annotations and development of visual language, which has helped to motivate them to refine their work further. Following this folio session, we then explored the gallery space at the NGV Australia, and the students were able to discuss and analyse the works on display for Top Arts 2024.
There was a lot of shock from our students at the incredible quality of the works on display, all of which was achieved by other VCE students. Inspiring many, our students were discussing how they too wanted to be in the exhibition for next year, and that they wanted to be the first to represent Tarneit Senior College. Overall, the students were incredibly well behaved throughout the excursion and did a fantastic job representing our school by demonstrating our College values consistently throughout the day.
We look forward to seeing the amazing works our students create as we continue throughout the year, and hopefully next year we can see a Tarneit Senior College artwork at Top Arts 2025!
-Grace Whiteley