Wominjeka to OSHC 

Coordinator: Alexis Simmonds and Assistant Coordinator: Sarah Emerson

We acknowledge the first peoples of the Kulin Nation,Their Dreaming of the past , present and future. We pay our respect for their land by looking after the land we learn and play on.



All Day Care Available on Curriculum Day - Bookings Only 


We are able to offer all day care on Friday 26th April from 7.30am to 5.30pm.  Please note the amended hours.


Bookings must be made by 3.30pm on Wednesday to enable us to have the correct ratio of staff to students.



Ivanhoe Primary OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

For bookings, enrolments or inquires phone: 9499-5226

Or email us at iposhc@ivanhoeps.vic.edu.au


Find us at the corners of Tate & Ailsa Grove, Ivanhoe 3079.                                                           

It’s the building called ‘The Playhouse.’