Koorie/Multicultural Club

Koorie Champions

We are very proud to announce the completion of the Burron Guli - Boys to Men program at the end of last term. The boys that participated in the program have spent time exploring Culture and Lore, including Respect, Love, Responsibility and Safety. At the graduation ceremony Mr Phillips and Tristan ‘Pancakes’ Harris - the program’s facilitator awarded the participants with a painted boomerang and a certificate attended to by a number of family as well as Indigenous members of the community. All of the boys who took part, would like to send their sincerest thanks to Pancakes for his stories, jokes and guidance.



In Term 2, we are very much looking forward to the running of our Girls Program for our Koorie students - The Healing Sistas program, the program will be available to all Koorie girls in grades 2-6. The program will be run by Daen Haby from BADAC, Daen has extensive experience working with young students and helping them to connect with their Culture and supporting them to work together and build their community connections. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Mr Egan at the school.


We would also like to extend our most profound gratitude to all of those who helped to bring to fruition the Aboriginal history mural that was installed at school over the term break as well as those we were able to assist us to conduct the smoking ceremony to celebrate the unveiling of the mural.


Special thanks to Chloe Chatterton, Scott Phillips, Deb Clark, Donna Holloway, Aaron Clarke, Tristan Harris, Peter Shane, Marjorie Pickford, Maria Demeye, Audrey Turnbull, Ryan Cox, Mary-Clare Svilicic, Dave Young and our Koorie Champions.


Multicultural Club

The Multicultural Club has been working hard to put together the display that the whole school has contributed to. We have been sharing music and talking about some different religious celebrations and how they share similarities and differences like Ramadan and Ridván. We have also been sharing how to count in different languages such as Malayalam, Persian, Hindi, French, Indonesian Farsi and Urdu.


Please don’t forget to come along to the Multicultural Club on Thursdays at lunchtime in Mr Egan’s room if you are interested in any of the above. Everyone is welcome!