PLC News

Professional Learning Community Foundation (Preps)

Professional Learning Community 1 (Grade 1)

Professional Learning Community 2 (Grade 2) 

Professional Learning Community 3 (Grade 3)

Professional Learning Community 4 (Grade 4)

Hi PLC 4 students and families,


What a busy couple of weeks we have had moving through the term! It has been filled with lots of learning, gaining a licence to use a wheelbarrow in the garden, cooking during our kitchen time slot and lots a bright sunny days.


Our focus text in Reading this term is the BFG. Students have been reading the text to infer character traits and feelings. A portfolio task is being completed this week around inferring and character traits using a visual text named "Little Freak." Take a look at it when portfolios go home at the end of the term. Speaking of portfolios, they were due back and some students have forgotten to bring theirs to school. Please find it and return it so we can continue to celebrate learning with them. We have worked on a descriptive narrative in writing that is linked to our PBL Geography topic and worked on the y spelling rule and have explored the /z/ spelling in Sounds Write.


In Numeracy we have developed more of our knowledge on fractions and have participated in some number riddles for our Number Talks. Please remember that there are additional, outside of school hours competitions in literacy and numeracy listed in the newsletter- give them a go and submit your entry to you teacher or the office! Any last minute entries for the Utopia themed Art competition are due THIS FRIDAY!

Have a great week!


PLC 4 teachers

Professional Learning Community 5 (Grade 5)

Hello Families, 

Grade 5s have been busy learning as we head into the upcoming assessment period. With a sense of enthusiasm and positive vibes, we have been embracing challenge and adjusting our thinking to pursue success. 


Writing has risen to a whole new descriptive level thanks to our pieces on describing landscapes. This has seen a shift in our narrative and persuasive samples growing and jam packed full of wonderful visual language to capture our readers attention. 


Touching on units such as time, mass, capacity, volume, length and data analysis, Grade 5s have also been kept busy brushing up on each topic and developing and increased knowledge to further cement these concepts. 


Our class novel for Reading focus has seen an eagerness from students to join in and hear the next parts of the story, seeking those burning clarifying questions that the author is leaving us with. This drive has motivated students to dive deeper into their own class books and work towards their goals. 


As we move into those colder days, please just remind students to rug up as we have witnessed a few students not wearing school jumpers/jackets when cold. Please make sure that Compass is being regularly checked for updates regarding upcoming events and please continue to champion students’ Home Reading. 


PLC 5 Teachers



Professional Learning Community 6 (Grade 6)

Dear Parents and Carers, 


We hope this newsletter finds you well. We would like to start by wishing all our mothers a very Happy Mother's Day for Sunday. 


We are extremely busy in PLC 6! Not only do we have classroom and specialist subjects to focus on, but we also have lunchtime sports program, winter sports competitions, Energy Breakthrough (EBT) trials, students attending Division Cross Country, students participating in the High Achievers Program (VHAP) and continuing to focus on our term 2 celebration to Xtreme Bounce. We would like to remind families to please keep checking updates on Compass for these events. We wish all students good luck in participating in these competitions.


OK… let’s head back to the classroom. It is all about AUSTRALIA! From good old Aussie Slang to Advance Australia Fair. From beaches to the outback – CRIKEY we have nearly been everywhere! Students thoroughly enjoyed analysing a graphic text (comic), “Dirt by Sea”, learning cartoonist terminology e.g. panels, frames, gutters, narrative text boxes and bleeds. This text took the students on a journey around our amazing land focusing on states, capital cities and landmarks. Students also enjoyed spending time creating their own comics. This week, we are analysing newspaper articles by identifying the author’s implicitly stated purpose by studying the quotes for and against. 


Finally, at the end of the schooling day, please take the time to talk to your child about their day. Asking the following questions can be useful;

What made you feel proud today?

What was the best thing that happened at school?

Tell me something that made you laugh today.

Rate your day on a scale of 1-10. Why did you give it that number?

Can you tell me something you learned today?


Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to continuing our learning journey together.


Best regards,


The Grade 6 Team