JSC News

Our Junior School Council representatives continue to be active contributors to our school community. So far this year, they have raised over $500 through their Zooper Dooper sales alone! 


Each Tuesday and Thursday, they play a key role in the smooth delivery of the much-anticipated hot lunch orders to the classrooms. Our Grade 6 JSC leaders and representatives demonstrate our school value of kindness, by ensuring that our Grade Prep classrooms receive their lunch orders as well as delivering their own class lunch tubs.


As part of our commitment to nurturing our planet and recycling however and wherever we can at Delacombe Primary, our school has taken up an opportunity to partner with McCallum Industries on a terrific initiative. The initiative provides our school to receive money for every redeemable item, these include lunch box items such as, juice boxes and milk boxes. Our JSC students will work together with the office staff to facilitate the recycling program every Thursday afternoon. Opportunities such as this provide our students will gain a greater understanding of and connection to their community.


We are very fortunate to have so many willing students, who want to make positive contributions to both our school community, and the wider community around us.


Lastly…Pirate Day! More will be shared about Pirate Day in the next edition of the school newsletter!


Mrs S