Week 3 has kicked off with an even better "Best Ever Veggie Soup", slightly different from last time due to different greens coming from the garden and the type of pumpkin, being mainly Kent rather than Butternut. Some of the classes have noticed the difference and this has provoked some good discussions on how flavour and, also, texture can be affected by these differences. Even when using the same recipe, the end result is rarely exactly the same. We have coordinated the soup with cheesy garlic bread, using fresh garlic and herbs mashed into butter to refresh day old bread rolls. The students are learning how simple ingredients like butter and herbs can be mashed together to create amazingness.  Topped with some cheese, the result is scrumptious. 


Not to forget our hardworking chickens, we have also made and served an herb and corn frittata using fresh herbs and corn that our preserve team portioned and froze for us last term. We are also using up the last of the tomatoes, we have such a variety of shapes and colours and this has been a real treat. 


Of course we mustn't forget dessert, and the students have been making and serving a simple dish – pancakes with homemade apricot jam and ice cream. The simplicity of this recipe allows the kids to learn about spacing on the hot grill, the waiting for them to be ready to flip, sizing for even cooking and presentation. We have made quite a few variations, to factor in gluten, dairy and vegan food options, and the results have been awesome. Suffice to say the chickens have not been getting many pancakes in the leftovers this week.  Poor chickens!


This rotation in the garden we have been harvesting lots of carrots, the last of the tomatoes and the pumpkin crop! Students have been challenged to harvest what they think would be good ingredients for ‘Soup of the Imagination’. With sunny and warm weather continuing, we have been planting more in the garden. Kale, cabbages, spring onions, garlic and snow peas have been planted for winter and spring harvesting. Seedlings have been transplanted from punnets to newspaper pots to grow bigger before they are sold or planted in our garden. Nature mandalas created last rotation have been used to make cards for Mother's Day and some cards will be for sale at Special Person's Day. A plant nursery has popped up in the garden and run by a number of Year 5 volunteers. They have been busy getting ready for their Special Person's Day stall which will be located in the stadium, coinciding with morning tea. Please come and support. Lastly, the Wheelbarrow Licences have been handed out to Year 4s and will go into their portfolios. So it is busy in the garden this time of year….