Learner Profile Bulletin Board

According to the IB Learner Profile, a knowledgeable student is one who critically explores concepts that have both a local and global significance. As they explore these important ideas and issues, they begin to develop a broad range of knowledge across many disciplines, and they reach beyond the surface
Students who are KNOWLEDGEABLE have explored relevant and significant concepts and can remember what they have learned. They can draw on this knowledge and apply it in new situations.
How can parents help to develop students who are Knowledgeable at home?
- Encourage your child to read books at home that correspond with the topics being covered in school.
- Ask your child about what they are learning in school and engage them in conversations about it:
- “Why do you think that is an important thing to know about?”
- “Can you think of anything happening in the world today that might be similar to that aspect of History?”
- “You’re learning about pulleys and gears at school? This reminds me of your simple machines unit in grade 2... have you noticed any similarities?
- How is what you’re learning different?”
- Foster any area that your child expresses an interest in with books and activities, but also be sure to encourage them to explore other areas.
- Encourage your child to become familiar with current events and to read the newspaper and watch the news when appropriate.
Some ideas for creating and embracing a knowledgeable home community:
- Referencing topics learned across the curriculum within and from your units of inquiry
- Explaining your thinking with phrases such as, "I know this because..."
- Letting the children be the teacher sometimes. It can be quite powerful for them to feel knowledgeable by sharing their understandings with you and others.
- Teaching students to gather information from multiple sources.
Mentor texts for knowledgeable
The Emperor's Egg by
Iggy Peck
Architect and Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty
I Can't Do That, Yet by Esther P Cordova
Just Read by Lori Degman
Pluto Gets the Call by Adam Rex