Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
What a fantastic beginning to Term 2 full of learning, excitement and experiences.
During reading, the students have continued to explore text connections using their prior knowledge to make connections to themselves. They made text-to text connections between books that they enjoyed and text to world connections connecting the text to their world. The students have learnt about nouns and gained an understanding of both common and proper nouns. We have discussed what nouns can be found within the school and at home, some similarities also some differences.
Students have been learning how to write a persuasive text. They began by identifying the difference between a fact and an opinion. Students learnt connective language such as firstly, secondly, thirdly and finally to understand how to structure their reasons for their opinions when writing to persuade the reader. They worked through the process of drafting their introduction, reasons and conclusion before revising and editing their text.
Place value knowledge is a key component for all math understanding and has been a focus for year 2 students for several weeks now. Students have established their knowledge of place value through the use of the hands-on materials Multibase Arithmic Blocks (known as MAB). They demonstrated the learner profile of thinkers when they made, drew and extended 3-digit numbers to show how many hundreds, tens or ones were in the numbers they worked on.
In Inquiry students have continued to inquire into body systems and healthy choices. We have discovered that the digestive system gets rid of our waste, the nervous system sends messages between the brain and the body, and the muscular system helps our bodies to move. Did you know a baby is born with 300 bones and an adult has 206 bones? In guided inquiry they constructed their own lungs, researched about body systems and creating a heart.
In Wellbeing, the students have explored what stress is and how it impacts their bodies. They discussed that these impacts are different for every person and we each deal with it in our own ways. Physical responses to stress could be headaches, stomach aches, feeling overwhelmed and sweaty hands. We have explored that stress is a natural feeling that everyone experiences, and they shouldn’t be embarrassed of it.
Drama Toolbox Incursion
During our incursion, students were immersed in exploring a healthy body and gained an understanding of how diet, physical activity and sleep impacts our bodies. They had an exceptional time becoming brain neurons, red and white bloods cells, the oxygen we breathe in and some gastric juices. The students engaged enthusiastically and positively displaying their principled behaviour and willingness to learn.
House Colours Day
What an exciting day for both the students and staff participating in the House Colours Day. The students loved seeing a field of gold, orange, teal and red within the school. Our houses are Goodes (gold), Vander-Kuyp (orange), Goolagong (red) and Freeman (teal). The students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities during recess, lunchtime and within the classroom.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
- Drama Toolbox Incursion happening in week 4 - This is live on Xuno.
Best regards,
The Year 2 team