Year 3/4 Report

The 3/4s have had a wonderful start settling back into our school routine after the holidays and have been busy exploring lots of new concepts.
Our inquiry focus for this term is Survival. We’ve been learning about different habitats around the world and how animals and plants have adapted to survive in these environments. From the freezing Arctic to the lush rainforests, we’ve discovered amazing creatures and their unique survival skills. We are so excited to be heading off to the zoo in week 5 to complement our learning in class. This trip will allow us to see firsthand many of the animals and adaptations we’ve been studying in class.
In literacy, we have been delving into non-fiction texts, particularly information books about animals and nature. We’ve been learning how to take important notes, jotting down facts and details about different animals and their habitats. We’ve also been practising our writing skills by creating SPOs and short paragraphs to share what we’ve learned, focusing on using correct sentence structure and organising our ideas logically.
In mathematics, we’ve begun delving into multiplication. We are learning different strategies to solve multiplication problems efficiently. Students have been using a number of rules and mathematics strategies to solve different multiplication problems. We are looking forward to learning more about multiplication and the different strategies we can use to solve equations.
As we move further into the term, we have many more exciting learning experiences planned. We look forward to exploring more about survival and the wonders of the natural world.