Year 1/2 Report

This term, students in 1/2 are learning about how habitats need to meet the needs of all living things. We have been exploring different habitats and what animals and living things might live within these. Over the next few weeks student will continue to investigate things that impact habitats and what we can do to care for the habitats around us.
In Literacy, students have been looking at questions and statements. It has been great to see students using this knowledge to ask questions as we read texts and find out more information about animals and their habitats and what they need to survive.
In Numeracy, students have started the term with a focus on place value and are now applying this knowledge when learning about addition. Over the next few weeks students will continue to develop their knowledge and skills with addition as well as a focus on subtraction, time and shape.
We look forward to another exciting and fun term ahead.
The 1/2 Team