Important Dates & Events

What is coming up?

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Information and updates to dates will be made through Compass.

                                 TERM 2    




  • Thursday 9th May:         Mothers Day Stall (see General Information)
  • Friday 10th May:             Parent Carer Morning Tea (see page)
  • Friday 10th May:             Fundraising Meeting (open to all community members)
  • Friday 10th May:             Year 5/6 Winter Sport

WEEK 5: (Education Week)

  • Monday 13th May:            F-2 Parent Information Session (see General Information)
  • Monday 13th May:            School Council
  • Tuesday 14th May:            3/4 Zoo Excursion
  • Wednesday 15th May:     Foundation Farm Excursion
  • Wednesday 15th May:     School Assembly 2.45pm
  • Thursday 16th May:          Education Week Open Classrooms 2:45pm - 3:20pm



  • Monday 20th May:           District Cross Country
  • Tuesday 21st May:           District Cross Country Back up (only in extremeweather)
  • Friday 24th May:               Year 5/6 Winter Sport


  • Wednesday 29th May:     Division Cross Country
  • Friday 31st May:                1/2 Werribee Zoo Excursion


  • Monday 10th June:           King's Birthday Holiday
  • Tuesday 11th June:           Foundation chicks arrive (2 weeks)
  • Wednesday 12th June:    School Assembly 2.45pm

WEEK 11:


  • Wednesday 26th June:  School Assembly 2.45pm
  • Friday 28th June:             Last Day of Term 2 - 2.30pm Finish