Principal Report

A report from Acting Principal Tyson Smith

Welcome to Term 2 everyone! I hope that your break was relaxing and that you are ready to get stuck into another great term. It has been wonderful to see everyone back with such positive attitudes towards school and their learning.


Term 2 - Focus on the Learner

Below is a link from The Hon. Ben Carroll MP Deputy Premier and Minister for Education welcoming all families back for the term. In the video he speaks in depth about the importance of Term 2 and how routines are established, so a focus can be centred around student learning.


Staff Updates:

I would like to congratulate Erin McNamara who was successfully appointed as Assistant Principal. Erin has done a wonderful job in the acting role, and we are fortunate to have her as a part of our team at Aberfeldie Primary School.


I would also like to welcome Trudy Trounson who has taken over in 56B while Sophia goes on family leave and Janelle Landry in 12E who has taken over from Maria Midiri.


ANZAC Day ceremony

I would like to thank everyone who was involved in our ANZAC day ceremony on Wednesday 24th April. It was an honour to be able to lead this ceremony and all staff, students and visitors displayed profound respect throughout. I would like to thank John from the RSL for taking part in the ceremony and Richard for playing the Last Post and Rouse. I would also like to acknowledge one of our school captains, Ryder, who laid the wreath at the Moonee Valley Dawn service on behalf of Aberfeldie Primary School.




Ramsy Street Roadworks Update

The road works that were being completed along Ramsay Street earlier this year have now been completed. Hopefully this will improve traffic congestion. The Moonee Valley Council will continue additional roadworks along Ramsay Street in the future but there is no current timeline for this unfortunately.


Staff communication

If you would like to ask a question or raise a concern at school, the classroom teacher is the first point of call and is always ready and willing to help. You can get in contact with the teacher via Compass or Seesaw.


If you need to get in contact with a member of the leadership team, email is the best platform for this. Please see below the members of the leadership team, a brief overview of their role and their email address.


Tyson Smith - Acting Principal

Accountable for the overall leadership, management and development of the school within state-wide guidelines and Government policies.


Erin McNamara - Assistant Principal

Effective development, provision and evaluation of the school's education program. Erin also supports:

  • Koorie Students
  • Students living in Out-of-Home Care
  • Students with concerns regarding school refusal
  • At risk students

Emma Sprakel - Learning Specialist - Curriculum and Assessment

Leading and managing the implementation of whole-school improvement strategies related to curriculum planning and delivery. Oversees the delivery of our learning areas for Literacy, Numeracy and our inquiry areas.


Emma Beckett - Learning Specialist - Inclusion and Intervention

Leading the implementation of Disability Inclusion across the school and providing expert advice about the content, processes and strategies that support students with a disability.

More info at


Michelle Apollonio - Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL)

Leading mental health promotion across the school to implement a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing for students, staff, and families based on a broad knowledge of the needs of the school community. Overseas the delivery of our social and emotional learning curriculum including Respectful Relationships.

More info at


Elyse Dickeson - School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Leader

Oversees and promotes School-wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, supportive learning cultures. SWPBS assists schools to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for children and young people.

More info at