Careers & Transitions

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
| Business Class An e-learning Academy, created in partnership with Year13, to spark future generations' interest in accounting. Topics include discovering what CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs have in common, how innovative thinking can change the world, and how the accounting profession can lead to their dream industry.
Check Business Class here.
Career Cards To facilitate conversations with high school students to get them thinking about the diverse roles within accounting.
Click here to download the CA ANZ Career Cards.
Booklet - Turn your passions into a career A takeaway tool to inspire, educate and enhance young people’s perception of the accounting profession.
Download AU booklet | Download NZ booklet
Accounting Careers Poster Designed for teachers and career advisers to display in classrooms. It aims to inspire students by highlighting opportunities to work in different industries or fields that align with their interests and values.
Click here to download the CA ANZ Accounting Careers Poster.
| Guide to Accounting Careers Designed for teacher and career advisers to support their career conversations with students on how they can turn their passions into a career with accounting.
Click here to download the Guide to Accounting Careers. Click here to download the Staff Companion Guide.
Epic Future webpage For young people to access inspiring content featuring our e-learning Academy Business Class and a webinar with our member Andrew Van De Beek FCA on how accounting can be the key to unlocking life goals.
Click here to visit our Epic-Future webpage.
Epic Career webpage For tertiary students to access inspiring content, featuring stories from some of our members who share firsthand experiences on how a career in accounting was the key to unlocking life goals and making a real difference in their organisations and communities.
Click here to visit our Epic-Career webpage.
High School Toolkit Our members are instrumental in inspiring high school audiences to pursue a career in accounting. This toolkit is to support our members as they talk about how they make epic things happen.
Click here to access our High School Toolkit.
Resources for educators and career advisers Tools and resources to empower teacher and career advisers in their teaching journey and support their conversations with students.
Click here to visit the website |
Defence Work Experience Program
The Defence Work Experience Program has a range of programs available for students to apply for and attend during Term two.
To be eligible to apply student’s must:
- Be aged 15 – 24
- Currently enrolled in an educational institution
- An Australian citizen or permanent resident
A Day in the Life of a Soldier –27 June 2024. Students can apply here: - Day in the life of a Soldier: Irwin Barracks - June ( applications close 12 May 2024
A Day in the Life of a Soldier – 15 August 2024. Students can apply here: - Day in the life of a Soldier: Irwin Barracks - August ( applications close 7 July 2024
Naval Gazing: Navy Careers Experience - 1-3 July. Students can apply here: - Naval Gazing: Navy Careers Experience - July ( applications close 19 May 2024
An Aerial View: Air Force Careers Experience 20 August 2024. Students can apply here: - An Aerial View: Air Force Careers Day RAAF Base Pearce - August ( applications close 7 July 2024
Questions can be directed to
There are more placements for later in the year available on our website
Work Experience and Apprenticeships
Next WesTrac apprentice intake is January 2025.
- Getting in early is best when it comes to Work Experience.
- Must be at least 17 to apply.
- Contact: or through WesTrac enquiry through our website.
ECU's School of Engineering
Invitation - Year 11 & 12’s Engineering Showcase
We would like to extend an invitation to all of your Year 11 and 12 students and their parents to attend our engineering courses and careers showcase event at ECU’s School of Engineering on one the following dates:
- Wednesday 24 April 2024
- Thursday 6 June 2024
- Friday 6 September 2024
The purpose of the event is to provide information on engineering studies and to showcase why the engineering profession is a rewarding and exciting choice of career. Our alumni speakers will share their experiences of transitioning into industry roles, and our current students will be present to speak and answer questions about their study and learning experiences at ECU.
Additionally, information will be provided on our wide range of engineering course offerings, entry requirements, scholarships, and student support services. A tour of our industry grade engineering laboratories will also be offered. Year 11 and 12 students and parents will have the opportunity to chat with academics, alumni, and current engineering students over light refreshments.
By attending this event, Year 11 and 12 students will be able to gain more information about engineering study options and career pathways, as they get ready to make important decisions about the next stage of their learning journey.
Academic Group
Please see information to include in your newsletters throughout Term 2 about our Tuition and Master Classes for your students.
Weekly Tuition and Master Classes
Term 2 - Tuition for Years 7-12
Receive one-on-one support from experienced teachers to improve understanding and boost school results. Why choose Academic Task Force Tuition:
- Expert high school teachers
- Small group (max 4 students)
- Targeted and individualised help to develop your skills each term
- Tuition aligned with the WA syllabus
- End of term feedback on your childs' progress
Term 2 - Master Class for Years 10- 12
Specialised courses to help maximise grades and strive for a top ATAR score.
Why choose Academic Associates Master Classes:
- WA’s top teachers
- In-depth syllabus teaching
- Enrich your understanding of course concepts
- Weekly coaching
- Receive exam preparation & success strategies
- Interactive online & in-class options
Contact: 08 9314 9500