
Year 8 Grandparents’ Mass
We were very blessed to be celebrating Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday and Thursday with Year 8 Pastoral Care Groups 1-4 and 5-8. We thank all grandparents who have nurtured and inspired us on our journey. Fra Oscar also gave all grandparents and special visitors a blessing and delivered an important Homily, reminding everyone to treasure the wisdom of grandparents. Thank you, to all students who had a role in the Mass, to Matthew Loo (Class of 2021) for playing the piano, to Fra Oscar for a moving yet humorous Homily, and a special thank you to all grandparents who could attend.
KAIROS #67 Applications Now Open
Kairos #67 will run from Sunday 14 – Wednesday 17 July.
Applications are now open. This is the final opportunity for Year 12 students to attend this special retreat. Applications can be collected from and returned to Campus Ministry.
Friday Community Mass
Friday Community Masses will re-commence in Week 2. 126.1 and 8.6 will be hosting this Mass. We hope to see all our regulars and perhaps some new faces too. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry