Principal's Message

Welcome Back to Term 2
I would like to welcome back all students and their families to Term 2 – a long and very busy term. Amongst the normal busy rhythm of daily lessons, we will also see Excursions, Retreat Days, Camps, Edmund Rice Day celebrations, Music Performance Nights, a minor College Production, Sport, Carnivals and important Examinations for our secondary students.
It was very pleasing to see the way the boys presented in their winter uniform from the first day of term. As a College, we seek to instil in our boys a personal pride and responsibility in the way they conduct and present themselves and display a commitment to their school. Essentially, uniform and presentation standards reflect a commitment to being part of our College community. It is less about the rules and more about committing to a set of expectations and behaviours agreed to at enrolment and then confirmed every day while attending school. Such expectations do not change and likewise, nor should the commitment to uphold them. Commitment is a learned behaviour that positively influences all aspects of life. It is hoped that such an obvious display of commitment at the start of this term is maintained throughout the remainder of the year.
May I also take this opportunity to thank the many parents who availed themselves of the opportunity to meet and talk with their son’s respective Teachers at the recent Parent Teacher Student Interviews (PTSI). Such occasions allow for meaningful and constructive conversations about student progress and highlight the importance of open and positive Family/College relationships. The Staff were certainly kept busy across all days. Further opportunities for Parent Teacher Student Interviews are scheduled for later in the year. As always, parents are reminded that they are most welcome to contact the College Staff at any time to discuss their son’s progress.
It was particularly pleasing to hear that many such conversations centred around the Student Work Attributes (SWA) and the associated SWA Matrix that accompanied the recent Student Interim Reports. The SWA seek to reflect student application and their attitude to learning and will prompt students to genuinely reflect and purposefully analyse their own approach to academic success. Striving for their personal best should be the aim of every student and fully appreciating what is required to improve in terms of work habits and application will be very helpful in this regard. The respective SWA ratings for each student are used to calculate an Attribute Point Average (APA) that is then indicated on the Student Report. The College tracks the associated Attribute Point Average (APA) data, and the Grade Point Average (GPA) data, for each student as they journey through the school. Both are used as part of selection criteria associated with things such as Course Selection, Student Leadership positions and student invitations for various College events, Camps and Immersions.
Year 12 Ball
During the holiday break, our Year 12 students enjoyed their College Ball. This special event was held in Gibney Hall (magnificently transformed into a ‘Back to the Future’ theme) on Friday, 12 April. Our senior students and their guests presented wonderfully well and looked fantastic in their formal wear. Everyone enjoyed a lovely meal, revelled in the company of their peers, danced the night away and took full advantage of the opportunities for photographs throughout the evening. They acted and behaved in a manner becoming of senior students and young men. They were wonderful company, great hosts throughout and certainly a credit to themselves, their families and to their College.
Such an extraordinary and special event does not just happen and I would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the work of so many within our College community who assisted to plan and coordinate the evening. Special mention is made to Head of Year 12, Mr Clint Testa and College Events Coordinator, Ms Melanie Dunn; our fantastic Year 11 Waiters who were wonderful ambassadors in serving throughout the evening; the Parent Council for their ongoing support; to the outstanding work and vision of Mrs Mel Day and the Ball Committee; and to the large number of our Year 12 Parents who gave up many hours and some long days in preparation for the Ball – and then again in packing it all out. The effort and commitment of so many in making this College event a most special one for their sons was incredible and quite inspiring. It certainly captured the Spirit of Community that we so much value as part of Trinity College.
Live Jesus in our hearts
Mr. Darren O’Neill
Staffing News
The start of term usually brings with it some significant changes in staffing. Throughout this term, the following staff will all be enjoying some periods of leave. We wish them well on their respective extended break.
- Mrs Ann Clarke - Music (Weeks 1 and 2)
- Mrs Sabrina Hughes - Vice Principal (Weeks 6 – 10)
- Ms Josephine Hutcheson - Head of Learning Area – Religious Education
- Mr Bernard Le Tessier - Religious Education
- Mr Jaxon Mallard - Aboriginal Education Assistant
- Mr Peter Oliver - Head of Year 7 (Weeks 3 and 4)
- Mr Ben Russell - Health & PE (Week 5 - 10)
We extend a very warm welcome to a number of Staff members who will be commencing at our College as we begin Term 2:
- Ms Emma Ashe - Religious Education
- Ms Paula Frost - English (from week 5)
- Ms Nadia Forte - English
- Ms Annika Holland - English (weeks 1-4)
- Ms Katie Hunter - Health & PE
- Ms Hannah Marston - Religious Education
- Ms Tess Warner - English
We also welcome back Mr Glenn Christiansen – Design and Technology, who is returning from a period of extended leave.