Foundation News…

Writer's Notebook
Writer's Notebook is a favourite lesson of the Foundation Students. We get to foster and build an environment where they can explore and be creative in writing. This week we read 'The Monster Game'. In their Writer's Notebooks the students were encouraged to create and draw their own monsters. These monsters had to be 'good', to help you do good things.
Some monsters that were created are...
Fire Monster that keeps me warm.
Dancing monster to have a disco with.
Kind monster that makes me happy.
Alarm Monster helps me wake up for school.
Cleaning monster helps to clean my house.
Silly Monster that tells me jokes.
Cross Country
Cross Country was the Foundation Students first exciting whole school event! We dressed up in our house colours of red, blue, green and yellow. The students practiced the running track with Ms Bos in PE and were ready to go. Everyone ran an awesome race, with smiles all around.