Cyber Safety News

Keeping our children safe online
Keeping up to date with the latest technology and navigating the digital world with children can be challenging. The Queensland government has a great guide with tips for parents. This can be accessed here:
Another great resource is the e-safety website that not only has information for parents, but activities for children to explore as well. Here is the link to the parent page:
As mentioned in our last Snippets, the Cyber Safety Project is a great resource to help teachers and parents educate children about being safe online. They have many fabulous resources that can be accessed. To find out more about the Cyber Safety Project, you can visit their website (
The first episode of this podcast tackles the critical issue of child safety in the digital age. The four main ways children are vulnerable to abuse online are discussed as well as how technology aids groomers, and the signs that a child may be at risk. This episode offers direct advice on teaching children protective behaviours and practical conversation starters to help parents talk about online safety effectively. Here is the Spotify link if you'd like to listen to this podcast:
Although yesterday was World Password day, you can change your passwords across devices and platforms at any time to keep them long, strong, secure and unique!
Privacy Awareness Week | 6-12 May 2024
‘PAW’ is an annual event celebrated by privacy regulators across Australia and the Asia Pacific highlighting the importance of protecting personal information.