Teaching & Learning

VM White Card Training
by Laura McCarthy
In Term 1 VM students completed their White Card Training - mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work. The students were enthusiastic participants and happy to get such practical training at school.
by Lisa White
Last week our fantastic group of VCE Art students had the opportunity to visit the NGV Triennial where they were able to engage and explore the work of contemporary artists and designers representing a powerful snapshot of the world today. They experienced artworks that explored ‘Magic, Matter and Memory’ through ruminations on AI, climate change, race relations and war. Students were engaged, challenged and at times in awe of work that ranged from robot dogs, deep fake photography, haute couture, textile landscapes to conceptual art. It was so exciting to see them absorbing and taking inspiration from the work they were able to experience firsthand.
Following this, we visited Top Arts where we also had the opportunity to go through last year’s high scoring folios in a private viewing so students could be further inspired in their own studies. The day ended with all of us meandering up Flinders Lane where we were able to visit a number of private - commercial galleries in contrast with the renowned ‘Not for Profit’ gallery space of Forty-Five Downstairs.
Despite being tired from absorbing so much, students left the city elated and a little bit more knowledgeable of contemporary art and what Melbourne offers in terms of the Arts. I was most impressed by their curiosity and questioning throughout the day and am very much looking forward to seeing how they will use this inspiration in their own folio work over the remainder of the year.
Virtual Reality comes to WHS
As part of our partnership with the Gateway LLEN, Warrandyte High School students were selected to test-pilot a new program designed to provide a realistic work place experience for students. Students tested out new Virtual Reality Technology and entered a virtual workplace - talking to virtual people, undertaking virtual tasks and receiving feedback on their 'work trial'. Students were then invited to provide their feedback on this exciting initiative, with direct input into what worked well and what could be improved. Mrs. Lynch even got in on the action (she is a big 'gamer' herself!) - everyone enjoyed the experience and we look forward to future possibilities in this space, with more virtual workplaces hopefully being available in this format.