Message from Belgrave Heights Presbyterian Church

So many questions about Christianity

  • Is it wishful thinking?
  • Is it for people who need a crutch?
  • Is the existence of Christ based on history?
  • Do I need to go to church to prove I’m a Christian?

Chris Waghorn, a former businessman, will speak at our church about his journey to belief in Christ.

He had no real interest in church, Christianity or faith prior to 2015.  ‘I thought that I had a more sophisticated understanding of such things, and I thought that all Christians were bigoted, judgemental, and narrow-minded.’ 

In his talk, “The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God” Chris will share some of the significant moments that he experienced on his own unexpected journey towards belief in Jesus Christ.


       This talk is for

  • anyone with questions about Christianity
  • people who are unsure if church is for them 
  • people who have a firm trust in God
  • anybody and everybody

Morning tea follows the church service, after-which there will be a lunch. We’d love you to come to lunch, but understand you may have other commitments.

Please RSVP for the church lunch by Monday May 27 by texting/phoning 

Mark on 0437 592 411.


Belgrave Heights Presbyterian Church


Sunday June 2

We meet in the Belgrave Heights Christian School, Wattle Valley Road, Belgrave Heights. Well placed signs direct people to the meeting room. Hope you are able to attend.



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