We would like to remind families that if your circumstances change in any way - this includes address, phone numbers, email address, custody arrangements and fee arrangements - please update your Operoo profiles and then contact the School as soon as possible. This will assist us in ensuring that any communications sent reach you. Please feel free to email any updates
to, so this can be passed on to the relevant departments.
Please check out this week's newsletter >> Envision
Our working days are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. We are also visiting all the Uni's this term so if we are not there please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you have any questions you can contact us on
eSmart Matters
By Rowan Walker - eLearning Co-ordinator
As part of our ongoing emphasis on Digital Citizenship, this time we turn our attention to the issue of cyberbullying. Technology has brought many benefits to education, work, and personal connections. However, it has also created a situation in which issues can follow us from work or school at the end of the day, continuing overnight and through weekends and holidays.
Digital Citizenship in this sphere includes:
- Knowing what cyberbullying is.
- Particularly understanding the line between banter and harassment.
- Knowing that we all have a role to play in calling it out when we see it.
- Going through appropriate channels to deal with situations instead of trying to deal with it by bullying the bully.
Whether at school or at home, it is imperative that young people have the ability to speak to someone about issues with a feeling of safety. This means having open communication channels before they are needed. For parents, the best thing is to take an open interest in your children’s online activities:
- Spend time playing games with your children, get them to teach you how to play and make it a shared activity.
- Talk openly with your children about how you use technology yourself.
- Have direct conversations with your children about what they can do if they are ever faced with cyberbullying, either directed at them or that they witness happening to others.
- This is most effective if these conversations take place ahead of time.
Ultimately, as in most areas of life, prevention is always better than a cure!
For further information, we encourage you to have a look at the eSafety Commissioner’s website -
Belgrave Heights Christian School is part of the Independent Schools Victoria network of schools. Independent Schools Victoria offers an initiative called The Parents Website. Here you will find a range of articles and newsletters. To learn more, please click here.