As you may be aware, the State Government has recently announced a School Saving Bonus of $400 per student, to assist families with the cost living crisis.
For students at non-government schools, families who have been eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF), which is available to Health Care Card and Pension Card holders, will also be eligible for the additional $400 bonus. This one-off School Saving Bonus will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports through the CSEF fund.
This payment will be made to the school and applied to school fees for eligible applicants in term 4 this year.
In order to receive the bonus, the applicant must fall within one of the following categories:
- a parent or carer who holds a current financially means-tested Health Care Card or Pension Card
- a foster carer or a temporary foster carer
- a student who is 16 years or older and holds a valid concession card, such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card.
An Operoo eform will be released to assist us in determining eligible students, we ask that you please respond promptly when you receive this eform.
Please be reminded:
Monday, June 10 is a Public Holiday (Kings Birthday) and Friday, June 14 is a Curriculum Day.
There will be no students at school on these days.
On 21 March, the Australian Law Reform Commission released a set of recommendations that are an appalling attack on faith and freedom of belief in Australia. If the Government accepts these ALRC recommendations, it means Christian schools won’t have the freedom to preference people who share the same Christian values and beliefs when making employment decisions.
As Paul Kelly also noted, "Religious education, its communities and parental discretions would be weakened long term." You can read more here. The good news is the Federal Government has not yet made its position clear but we need to send a clear message to the Prime Minister that Christian schools must be able to employ people who share our faith. Faith In Our Future is a town hall event that will bring together supporters of Christian schools and their representatives in parliament. These events are an opportunity to share about the impact of Christian faith in our schools, to share our concerns with our Federal political representatives and ask for
their support. If you want the Government to continue to value the faith of Christian teachers and staff, you need to be there
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Location: Waverley Christian College
Address: 1248 High St Rd, Wantirna South
Time: 6.30pm for 7.00pm (finishing by 9pm) Registration is free but spaces are limited.
Register here:
If you have a child you anticipate commencing Kinder in 2025 and do not currently have an application submitted, please contact the registrar via as offers will be made at the start of Term 3.
We are hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from Friday 17th May to Wednesday 22nd May!
There are newly released books, bestsellers, award-winning titles and perennial favourites. Scholastic Book Fairs help students to discover the wonder of reading. Every book sold benefits our school, adding resources to our library and classrooms.
Students can visit the book fair during recess and lunchtime. There will be wishlists available if you'd like your child/ren to fill one out (we can help as needed!).
Parent Opening Times
The first Friday coincides with our Parents Coffee Morning at school, and the last Wednesday is National Simultaneous Story Time, and you are most welcome at both!
See times below, and remember to please sign in at reception when you arrive.
Friday 17th May: 8.30am - 9am** (Parents Coffee Morning until 9.45am in DC3)
Monday 20th May: 8.30am - 9am
Tuesday 21st May: 8.30am - 9am
Wednesday 22nd May: 8.30am - 10.45am** (National Simultaneous Story Time afterwards)
**Parents and carers are welcome to stay for National Simultaneous Storytime. We will join schools, libraries and kindergartens around Australia to read "Bowerbird Blues".
Purchases can be made via credit card or there will be a small cash float available.
Looking forward to seeing you in the Discovery Centre!
Private lessons are available in piano, drums, bass & guitar.
Lessons run throughout the day and usually last for half an hour. Please use the online application form found in the Parent resources section of the school website, or use the following QR Code.
New opportunities to join our enthusiastic team here at BHCS have just been placed on our website! We're currently looking for:
- Casual Bus Drivers
- Administration Officer (Reception)
- Secondary Learning Assistant
- CRT (Casual Relief Teachers)
If you, or someone you know, is interested in knowing more about these positions, you can read more by visiting:
PREP – YEAR 6: The canteen is available for lunch orders on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays. Primary students (Prep - Year 6) may pre-order lunch orders via the Flexischools app only. No window service.
YEAR 7 - YEAR 12: Are welcome to order at the Canteen window during recess and lunch
The Café will be running every day except Wednesday. Senior students (Year 7 -12) are able to order food from the Café during break times. Only Year 11 & 12 students may use the tables and chairs in the Café.
Families are reminded to download and subscribe to the Flexischools app. This is the portal where day to day reminders and information is distributed to the school community. To subscribe to your child's 2024 class group, please follow the below instructions.
Please see below the amended flyer with dates for 2024. You will notice a change at the start of Term 3. Students will commence Term 3 on Tuesday, July 16, and teachers on Monday, July 15. Originally, students were due to start on Wednesday, July 17; however, due to the recent storms, our forced closure, and the loss of teaching time, we have moved the first day of Term 3 forward by one day. This is the only change for 2024. We hope that this advance notice will not cause any inconvenience.