Our SAC meets termly and is here to represent the parent community. Please contact them if you wish to bring something to the attention of the Council or to discuss your ideas or thoughts about ways to add to our community.
Chair's Report
By the time you read this, we may have started term 2. Wow, where did term 1 go? Short but extremely busy.
While the SAC was scheduled to meet midterm, the AGM and meeting was re-scheduled to a later date. It was very sad to hear that a long-term serving teacher of the St Michael's community passed away. On behalf of the SAC, I would like to pass on our condolences to all of Toni’s family and would also like to praise Denise and all involved with the organisation of Toni’s service. Toni will be missed by all the community at St Michael's.
Over term 1 the teachers and the volunteers assisting with the parents and friends group have been very busy. From organising Zooper Dooper days and Subway food days, to organising the Welcome BBQ and the Colour Fun Run, the group has been very busy and I would like to thank all those that have been able to devote their time to these fantastic activities. I’m sure term 2 will see more enjoyable activities organised.
At our SAC meeting, we were provided with schematics for the next phase of the rebuild of St Michael’s and approved the new construction of the playground. As Denise mentioned in her final message at the end of term 1, the colour run provided the school with a lovely bucket of $10K for the playground project which will hopefully be completed by the end of the year. All the extremely wet and colourful t-shirts and shorts plus happy powder ridden faces completing the run was well worth it.
In term 1 NAPLAN was conducted for Year 3 and 5 students. Normally this occurs later in the year but was brought forward due to feedback that schools wanted the results earlier. Once the results are provided to St Michaels we will provide an information session to explain the scores and how the results may potentially be used to improve the curriculum for students in future years.
In finishing I’m sure term 2 will be just as eventful as term 1 and I hope the Easter Bunny was kind to everyone. I wish everyone a belated lovely and safe Easter and holiday break.
Joe Greco
SAC Chair
Chairperson: Joe Greco, parent of Antonina (3/4G)
Secretary: Angela Flint
Principal: Denise Hussey
Parish Priest: Fr Nicholas Pearce
School Representative: Angela Flint
Parish Representative: Connie Magro
School Representatives:
Mark Triat, parent of Olanna (5/6EH) and Ivan (3/4G)
Tom Cosic, parent of Ajdin (5/6EH) and Mia (1/2D)
Christos Pavlidis, parent of Gregory (3/4G) and Alexander (1/2KF)
Angelo Calafati, parent of Roman (Prep) and Nico (1/2G)