Visual Arts News

Hi I’m Vicki Santavas, the Visual Arts Teacher. I have been teaching at Athol Road Primary School for 15 years, as a part time teacher working: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday.
Sam Addison will once again be teaching in the Visual Arts program and will be taking 5/6D, 3/4B and 1/2B on Fridays.
Both Ms Addison and myself value the importance of the visual arts and support students to be able to appreciate and understand it, as well as being able to develop the skills and confidence to express themselves creatively through their work. We are dedicated to providing students with opportunities to elevate their well-being through the visual arts.
The Visual Arts Program supports students in developing a wide range of artistic skills, techniques and processes. Each group has a 45 minute art session per week. Students are exposed to the areas of drawing, painting, construction, printing, threads & textiles, media & modelling, using a variety of materials and techniques.
We look forward to taking part in our students’ creative journeys through Visual Arts in 2024!
Students' artwork will be showcased on SeeSaw, where parents can comment on their child’s work. The art work will be displayed along the office corridors, learning spaces and the school office screen Students will take their work home throughout the year.
The program for Term 1 will be:
- Foundation: Artist Trading Card, Spring Tree Thumb Print & Collage Fish.
- Year 1 & 2: Bubble Gum Blowing Selfies, Fish Earth Day Project, & Creamy Colours Coral Reef.
- Year 3 & 4: Abstract Self -Portrait, Under the Sea Crayon Resist, & Emotion Painting.
- Year 5 & 6: Let’s Selfie, Chinese Dragon, Raptors, Fossils Fins & Fangs & Emotion Portrait.