From the Principal

I was very proud to present the Athol Road PS 2024 student leaders with their leadership badges at our first school assembly last Friday. Our student leaders have been recognised for demonstrating the school RICH values (Respect, Innovation, Community and High Expectations) and their willingness and commitment to developing their leadership skills and making a positive difference in our school community.
A leadership role is not about the badge you wear but about the impact you make through your actions, words, and deeds.
On Monday 12th February, our School Captains and Vice Captains, Hayden, Crystal, Jordan and Chloe attended the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre. Both Mrs Hastings and I were thrilled to see our students demonstrate exemplary conduct, enthusiasm and eagerness to participate and learn. They will be sharing their learnings with their peers and building on them over the course of the year.
I have every confidence that our student leaders will 'step up' and excel in their roles and set a remarkable example for their peers to follow.
Curriculum Day Reminder: Tomorrow, Thursday 15th February is a whole school curriculum day. Students do not come to school. Staff will be participating in a full day Professional Learning Program led by a Literacy Consultant on Reading and Comprehension which is an Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) priority for 2024.
Out of School Hours Care will not be operating. Please ensure you have made arrangements for your child/ren. 3 year old kindergarten will be operating as normal.
Chinese New Year: As many of our families celebrate Chinese New Year, I extend my warmest wishes to you for a year filled with prosperity, happiness, and good fortune. Chinese New Year is a time of celebration, reflection, and renewal, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle and the opportunity to embrace fresh opportunities and experiences. I know that many members of our school community have been sharing in traditional festivities and honouring cherished customs and rituals that have been passed down through generations.
May the Year of the Dragon bring abundant blessings to you and your families.
Carmel Nigro