Wellbeing Page


Empowering Our Students: A Term of Successful Social-Emotional Learning

As we complete our first term, it brings an opportunity to reflect on our approach to wellbeing and how it can fill our students with opportunities for growth and development. I want to share with you the enriching journey the students at BHPS experience through the lens of Positive Psychology, PERMA, and the VIA Character Strengths. At BHPS, we are committed to fostering not only academic excellence but also the holistic well-being of our students.

Positive Psychology in Action

Positive Psychology is a transformative approach that focuses on building strengths, cultivating positive emotions, and enhancing overall well-being. This term, our educators will integrate Positive Psychology principles into the curriculum to empower students with the tools to navigate challenges, develop resilience, and foster positive relationships.

PERMA Model: A Blueprint for Flourishing

The PERMA model, developed by renowned psychologist Martin Seligman, serves as a blueprint for flourishing and lasting well-being. Each letter in PERMA represents a crucial element:

  1. Positive Emotions: Encouraging a positive outlook, gratitude, and joy.
  2. Engagement: Cultivating a state of flow where students are fully absorbed and challenged in their activities.
  3. Relationships: Nurturing meaningful connections and building a supportive community.
  4. Meaning: Helping students find purpose and significance in their lives.
  5. Accomplishments: Celebrating achievements and fostering a sense of mastery.

By embracing the PERMA model, we aim to create an environment where students not only excel academically but also thrive emotionally and socially.

VIA Character Strengths: Unleashing Potential

The VIA Character Strengths represent a set of 24 positive traits that are inherent to each individual. This term, students will have the opportunity to discover and harness their unique strengths, such as kindness, perseverance, and curiosity. Integrating these strengths into daily life empowers our students to navigate challenges, make positive choices, and contribute meaningfully to the community.

The Resilience Project

This year our approach to wellbeing has been further enhanced by having access to resources and lessons designed by the Resilience Project. Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy are the back bone of tRP and complement the BHPS Social & Emotional Learning approach. 

What Can Parents Do?

We encourage parents to actively engage in conversations with their children about their daily experiences. Ask them about the positive aspects of their day, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them. Encourage them to reflect on their character strengths and how they can utilize them in various situations.

Additionally, consider incorporating positive psychology practices at home. Simple activities such as expressing gratitude, engaging in family activities, and encouraging goal-setting can contribute to the overall well-being of your child.

Together, as a school community, we can create an environment that not only nurtures academic success but also builds resilient, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent individuals. We look forward to a year filled with growth, positivity, and a strong sense of community.




Attached are some of the parenting course opportunities available in our area next term.