Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

2024 Student Ambassadors 

I am excited to announce that the process for the 2024 Student Ambassadors has begun. This week I have emailed all teachers explaining the 2024 nomination/selection process. 


For families who are new to LNPS, Student Ambassadors are part of student voice. Historically, we have divided Student Ambassadors into forums to focus on specific areas such as fundraising, student wellbeing etc. 


This year, we will move away from the traditional forums and instead have all the Ambassadors working on improving our Wellbeing & Engagement Collection (WEC) data, specifically building student capacity to steer the improvement for the 'Learning Readiness' component of the WEC data. 


The WEC is a department collection process that happens every year to measure student well-being for students who are in years 4-6. 

Learning readiness, which encompasses: perseverance; cognitive engagement; and academic self-concept is an area that was identified as a focus area for our school. 


In term 4 last year, I facilitated a student forum that represented student voice from Rowell, Mellor, Torrens and Fisher to begin to unpack 'Learning Readiness' from WEC and how we can improve our data in this area. Through exploring the concept of a 'learning pit' students began to discuss the possibility of creating one for each class. This is a really strong starting point for further conversations with the Student Ambassadors and I am excited

to work with all of them this year on one common goal and to see the projects/initiatives that they come up with. 


In 2025/26, we will be able to begin to identify the impact of our work through our WEC data, which I am really excited about.  





Years R-2 process

R-2 students will not need to complete an application form. R-2 teachers will nominate two students from their class who exemplify our school values: Respect, Care & Concern, Honesty, and the Pursuit of Excellence



Years 3-6 process

 As per the process last year, students will be selected through a merit selection process (success criteria is on the nomination form), so please encourage your child to take time to prepare and write their applications. 


 Students will need to print off their completed applications and hand deliver it to me by Friday, week 7, 3:00pm