School News 


Week 4 Update

It has been a wonderful start to the year and as usual, the term is moving very quickly. Our students and teachers are heavily engaged in high-quality teaching and learning that is challenging our students to support their growth both socially and academically. 


It's great to hear that there's been increased interest and curiosity from students and families about the bees in the Chinese Elm near Torrens. The flowering of the tree and the subsequent attraction of bees for pollen is indeed a natural phenomenon, and it's wonderful that the tree is in full bloom this year.


Reminding students about the importance of bees and encouraging them to observe and appreciate these vital pollinators in action is a fantastic educational opportunity. Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which is essential for the reproduction of many flowering plants and the production of fruits and seeds.


Encouraging students and families to observe the bees as they go about their natural job not only fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of nature but also promotes environmental stewardship and conservation.


It's heartening to see LNPS embracing such opportunities to connect students with the natural world around them. Hopefully, this experience will inspire further curiosity and appreciation for the wonders of nature in the school community.

Learning Conferences

Learning  Conferences will be occurring with families and students during Weeks 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (5th March to 5th April). This semester we have a longer period due to the student-free day, Year 4 camp and Easter). 


Students, family members and teachers will:

  • Reflect upon and discuss Learner Quality reflection/analysis 
  • Identify Learner Quality goals and collaboratively develop evidence to demonstrate success 
  • Discuss English and Mathematics goals, sharing strategies to support this learning at home and at school 
  • Discuss strategies to ensure goals are met

As per usual, if families have queries regarding their child’s learning at any stage of the year, they are invited to make contact with staff.


All bookings will be undertaken through using this code uhbux and will be open to families from Wednesday 21st February at 2pm to Friday 1st  Ma at 3pm. 

Community Movie Night

The Community Engagement Committee is currently working on a new date for our Community Movie Night. We are hoping to have the details to families later next week. Watch this space!


 If you need any support with booking please contact the Front Office.



Tyson, Mirjana and Nik