Child Safeguarding

The Friends’ School Child Safety Statement:


“A deep and continuing commitment to child safety is at the very core of The Friends’ School. Respect and concern for each individual in the School’s care is driven by a foundational belief that there is that of God in everyone. Thisis fundamental to Quakerism and The Friends’ School. We strive to develop a culture which promotes child safety and the prevention of harm, where all members of the community feel comfortable speaking up. We commit to seeking and listening to the voices of children and cultivating an environment which is nurturing, open and aware. All forms of abuse and neglect are in opposition to the School’s Purpose and Concerns. The School has an enduring moral and legal obligation to report and act upon any concern counter to the wellbeing of children.”


While these sentiments have always been at the heart of the School’s ethos and culture, the Board of Governors’ formal adoption of the Child Safety Statement, Safeguarding Children Policy and Expectations, Mandatory Reporting Policy Standards and Expectations and the Feedback Form: Compliments, Suggestions, Complaints and Child Safeguarding Concerns served to further enshrine the School’s position in writing.


To this end, the Safeguarding Children Policy and Expectations, Mandatory Reporting Policy Standards and Expectations and the Feedback Form: Compliments, Suggestions, Complaints and Child Safeguarding Concerns all became effective as of 1 March 2022 and can be viewed below.


These policies and expectations apply to students, staff, parents/guardians, volunteers, contractors and community members who participate in School life and/or visit the campus. Student/child safety is the number one priority of the School and these policies and expectations serve to articulate why and how we provide a safe environment for our students/children of the School.


The Friends’ School Mandatory Reporting Policy Standards and Expectations


Feedback Form: Compliments, Suggestions, Complaints and Child Safeguarding Concerns


The Friends’ School Safeguarding Children Policy and Expectations


For more information, view The Friends’ School Child Safeguarding webpage.