Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS -
- Middle SS - A little shoutout to staff in Rooms 16 and 17 for their willingness to support in other classrooms. I appreciate your openness to exploring options, your flexibility and your team mentality.
- Secondary SS - A big shout out to the room 23 team. And a big well done to new teacher Sally who has settled in so quickly.
- Learning Specialists -
- OH&S - Thankyou to everyone who has returned their Induction checklist. Thank you staff for using EduSafe Plus to identify Hazards promptly.
- Therapy Team - A big thank you to the IT team for all their help with the therapy team's printing and toner needs.
- Admin - Great work by the Admin team in providing teachers with start of year tasks which involve a huge amount of documentation preparation. Well done team.
- PCT - Thank you to Loc and Michelle M for supplying our 4 new relief teachers (Rachel, Sinead, Sally and Emma) with access to new email accounts and laptop devices with such a short turn-around time. Much appreciated!