Autism Practices

Learning Specialists & Leading Teachers

Welcome to our new page called 'Autism Practices'. 


As part of our AIP, the SIT team has committed to putting together a page that highlights autism practices and strategies. Therefore, we will have different leaders contributing to this page fortnightly, if not weekly. 


This week:

JSA SPOTBites Site - A resource bank for staff

Did you know that the JSA Therapy Team has a website that contains over 60 videos on various topics? This website is a great resource bank for staff to build knowledge in various areas such as communication, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems, regulation, motor skills, and JSA practices. 


The SPOTBites website can be accessed via JSA's Sharepoint page and you will need to sign in using your education.vic email in order to access the site.


Once you're on the SPOTBites site, you will see the ‘Home’ page. On this page, there is a ‘Recent Posts’ panel on the right hand side where you can the recent posts that have been shared. To see the full list of videos on the website, click on the ‘Topics’ tab at the top of the page.


On the ‘Topics’ page you can see all the posts we have made. All of the posts have been categorised to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. You can filter these categories by clicking ‘Categories’ and then ‘Filter by’ on the drop-down selection.


Now, you can see the different categories and select one or more areas that you are interested in knowing more about. Select the categories you want to look at and then ‘Apply’ and this will show you the videos that are related to that topic.


You can now click on the post you want to look at where you will find some information and a video related to that topic. Once you have finished watching, you can click on the ‘Topics’ tab again to explore other posts. 


We hope you'll find this site useful. Please reach out to the therapy team if you have any questions or feedback. Happy Learning and Exploring!