Principal's Report

Tim Mulhall - Principal

A positively warm welcome back to you all.


I hope, as I did, that you enjoyed the extra time with family over the break, particularly with your child/children.


Our students have settled remarkably well to begin the year. We look forward to them developing friendships with their peers and contributing to a positive learning community in their classroom as we move through the year.


Welcome New Families 

I would like to extend a welcome to all of our new families joining us at Marlborough this year. You have joined a unique and supportive school community who work hard to support the children at the school. 


Welcome New Staff 

We have three new teachers who have joined our teaching team. 

  • Gabyy Kotis (3/4)
  • Catherine Mason (1/2) 
  • Rebecca Fraser (1/2) 

We welcome them into the MPS community and look forward to the contributions they will make to our students. 


Get to Know You Conference (Interviews)

You will notice on Compass that you will be able to book a conference with your child’s 2024 classroom teacher. The idea of these conferences is that they provide an opportunity for you to hear how your child has settled into the school year, and importantly, it helps our teachers hear from our families to better understand your children. This helps shape the teaching and learning programs we put in place in our classrooms.


I encourage you to book a time to speak to your child’s teacher. When there is a supportive relationship between school and home, we set students up for the best chance to reach their potential.


There will be three available nights for our Year 1/2 parents and carers, and four available nights for our Year 3-6 parents/carers. Those dates are: 

  • 21st of February between 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm 
  • 22nd of February between 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm
  • 28th of February between 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm
  • 29th of February between 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm (only available for Year 3-6)

Family Fun Night

I’ve had a number of people ask me when this next event is happening…


The annual Family Fun Night - a tradition that I look forward to experiencing for the first time myself. On Thursday, the 22nd of February, from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, we invite all of our Marlborough community to join us at the school for an evening of fun and games for our students, and opportunities to chat and connect for our families.


Our teachers will run some games for the students to enjoy, and our Parents and Friends Association will run a BBQ where sausages and soft drinks will be available.


I look forward to seeing many of you there for what should be an enjoyable night!


2025 Information Night

In a few weeks, we will run our first Information Night for potential 2025 families. If you know of any families that have students looking to start school in 2025, I encourage you to share the date with them. We look forward to showcasing our school and our vision. I certainly am biased, but I think Marlborough Primary School has so much to offer.


Shed Help

Send help!


If there are any Marie Kondo fans out there who would find satisfaction in helping me sort through one of our sheds, it would be greatly appreciated. There are a number of items I think we can move on to others who may need them before calling in a skip bin. We are in need of storage space to help support some school initiatives that will have a direct impact on our students.


Please get in touch with me if you think you would like to help.


Car Park

Just a reminder that our staff car park needs to remain a staff car park. There have been several occasions to start the year of parents parking in these spaces. This has meant that a few of our staff have had to park offsite, at times, a significant distance away. If we could keep these spaces clear, that would be appreciated. 


Building Works

Our building works have been off to a slow start with a few delays slowing progress. This has meant that our normal pathway through the middle of the school has been impacted. 


We are encouraging students to ‘get their steps up’ and travel around the basketball courts, rather than using the car park as a walkthrough. I know this can impact the pick-up from our Prep-2 building. Wherever possible, I encourage you to support students to go the long way and avoid walking through the car park, especially on their own.



I look forward to seeing you at the school over the coming weeks.


Warm regards,


Tim Mulhall
