Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Lenten Season

On Wednesday, we celebrated Ash Wednesday whereby the Year 1-6 students and staff attended Mass in the Hall. Thank you to those family members who joined us for this special liturgical celebration. The Foundation students received the ashes later during the week, due to their absence on Wednesday.


Ash Wednesday is a Christian, holy day of obligation that starts the observance of Lent, which in turn is the six-week period leading up to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.  Lent is an intentional journey. Lent is a period in the Christian calendar for prayer, observance, and fasting. It is a time for 'giving something up' that you enjoy and to cleanse oneself, meditate and focus on those things in one’s life that truly matter.


That journey begins when ashes, from the burnt palms from last year's Palm Sunday, are placed on one’s forehead or kept in a bowl around one’s home as a reminder of the way to make a spiritual journey, and to live one’s life, all year long.  It is also meant to symbolically remind us that we are dust and will return to dust. Additionally, its meaning is also linked to repenting and believing in the Gospel. 


It is meant to emulate the 40 day period of sacrifice and final suffering of Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Christ on Good Friday. This journey is part of the retelling of our collective sacred story. It is shared in every Gospel narrative.


Traditionally, Caritas Project Compassion will also commence this week with staff and students learning about the great work they conduct to assist people around the world. The theme for this year's Project Compassion is 'For all future generations'.  We will have money boxes throughout the school raising funds for this great cause.

Whole School Blessing Mass

We will be celebrating our Whole School Blessing Mass to acknowledge the importance of the commencement of the academic school year. This will be celebrated at St Agatha's Church in Cranbourne on Friday 23rd February 2024 at 12:30p.m.


I would like to take this opportunity in inviting our wider community to join us for this event.

Sacramental Timetable 2024

The 2024 Sacramental Timetable is now available. Please take the time to view the attached timetable for next year's Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation scheduling.


Please note, there has been a change since last year, to the Confirmation Ceremony date, due to the Bishop's availability.



A hard copy of the Sacramental Timetable has also been sent home to all Year 3-6 students for your reference.


All workshops will be conducted in St Agatha's Church


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


God bless and stay courageous.

Michelle Hinds