Community Care and Connection

We have an Australian Ninja Champ at our school!

Layla Stone (2H), has recently come back from Perth after representing South Australia at the Australia Ninja Games National Championships!


With her dedication and extra training sessions with her coach, not only did she win gold, but her performance earned her a coveted spot on Team Australia for the upcoming UNAA Championships in the USA.  

Congratulations Layla!

Coffee and Connect

It was lovely to see so many people connecting, catching up and meeting new people over a tea or coffee after Worship on Wednesday. We look forward to sharing more stories (and beverages) in this space as the year continues.


Did you know that we also have another opportunity to meet and get to know each other over a coffee (or tea) on Friday mornings? Our weekly gatherings will recommence next week (Friday 9th February) from 8:30am to 10:00am in the church café area. Why not invite someone to come along? 

Look forward to seeing you then!

