
With Us Always ...

One Summer a few years ago a friend and I decided to go on a holiday to a place we hadn’t been before. We enjoyed exploring nature, walking on trails and driving along roads guided by the GPS... Until... a concerning message appeared on the screen: ‘Lost satellite reception’. 


After a few moments of spooling, a slightly more concerning question appeared... ‘Have you moved 1000s of kilometres?’ We looked at each other, perplexed, before a different map appeared... 


Now if it had just been a map of Africa, that would have been one thing, but apparently, we had been relocated to somewhere in the Atlantic ocean, west of Africa!  Ahh... the joys of technology!


It got me thinking about a different kind of GPS that is available to everyone. 

‘Since God assured us, I’ll never let you down, Never walk off and leave you.’ Hebrews 13:5b Msg

(Jesus said) ‘And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Matthew 28;20b NLT

It is reassuring to remember that no matter where we go, God is not off in some distant location with an occasional habit of accidently misplacing us. Instead, He is positioned right beside us, walking closely, over every terrain, in every kind of weather. If we let Him, He would love to be our guide...


We don’t yet know what awaits us down the road in 2024.  Teachers have been working hard planning amazing learning adventures...  We have new friends to make, new skills to acquire, new stories to create. Some experiences will fill us with joy and delight. But some will be hard to have and process. We don’t know the details. But what we do know is that we aren’t travelling alone. God is with us... always. He’s the most reliable GPS there is!


God bless and be with us all as we begin the adventure that is 2024!

