
Achok Bieth - Youth Worker/Counsellor 

We are back! 


Are you looking for a way to unwind, tap into your creativity and connect with fellow students in a relaxing environment? Look no further! Every Thursday lunchtime, Achok Bieth and Jo Webb host sessions dedicated to the timeless crafts of crocheting and knitting in the CLC. 


Crocheting and knitting are not just about creating beautiful garments or accessories; they offer countless benefits for students of all ages. These activities provide an excellent opportunity to develop social skills. Engaging in conversation while working on a shared project fosters connection and friendships. It's a chance to meet new people and bond over a common interest, regardless of skill level or background.


Crocheting and knitting are renowned for their therapeutic effects. Repetitive motions can induce a state of relaxation, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. During a busy school week, taking some time to unwind and focus on a creative pursuit can work wonders for your mental well-being.


Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a complete beginner, everyone is welcome to join us in the CLC on Thursdays. Bring along your lunch and prepare to immerse yourself in the world of crocheting and knitting.