Cyber Safety / SEQTA Information Night

Cyber Safety – Susan McLean
On Tuesday 13 February we welcomed cyber safety expert Susan McLean who imparted knowledge related to internet and phone use to our young people and their families.
Thank you to the families who attended and took part in the evening. Those who were unable to make it please see some top parenting tips below.
1. Remove devices from bedrooms (this means parents too unless you have an on-call occupation). Let your children see that you can sleep without a phone next to your bed.
2. Follow the rules of the site. Read the Terms and Conditions of Use and ensure that your child is following them, especially around age restrictions. Don’t help your child lie online.
3. Have a family online contract—what are the expectations around safe and responsible technology use?
4. Know your child/rens passcodes and password. This is not an invasion of privacy - it is PARENTING.
5. Be an active participant in your child’s online world. Play and explore together.
6. Use filters.
7. Learn to say NO!
8. Know the sites, apps, games they are using and use them as well.
9. Ensure your child is only talking/engaging with people they know IRL (IN Real Life)
10. Know where your child is in the online world, the same as in the real world.
SEQTA Engage – Information Evening