English and Languages

Frankie Flanagan - VCE Program Leader / English Learning Area Leader

This year we are so excited to be offering our students the option to study AUSLAN as a language elective. The Year 9 AUSLAN class have enthusiastically begun their study and are all enjoying learning new ways to communicate and express themselves. We wish the class well as they continue to work to build their understanding through increased vocabulary and conversation skills.


“I chose to do AUSLAN because it piqued my interest, and thought it would be fun to learn a new way of communicating with others around us. What I’m enjoying about AUSLAN right now is learning the well-known Australian song, ‘I Am, You Are, We are Australian’ as well as learning how to spell my name. I hope to achieve as far as learning is concerned, how to make simple conversation with others using sign language, for example asking how they’re doing today. My favourite moment in AUSLAN so far has been when we played bingo with the alphabet and numbers, it was so fun to figure out and test our abilities in identifying different letters and numbers. I really recommend learning AUSLAN as it is a fun and helpful way to interact with others.”

Shaneisha Chellapen