Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

  Kamila Bielinski 

Starting the Academic year well

Welcome back to a new academic year! As we embark on this journey together (parents, teachers and student), it's essential to set ourselves up for success from the very beginning. 

Here are some valuable tips to kickstart the academic year on the right foot, please encourage your child/ren to:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Take some time to reflect on hopes to achieve academically and personally this year. Set specific, achievable goals that will guide efforts and keep you motivated throughout the year.
  2. Get Organised: Organisation is key to staying on top of your responsibilities and commitments. Students are encouraged to use the College planner to keep track of important dates, deadlines, and assignments. Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes dedicated study time and breaks to maintain balance.
  3. Stay Engaged: Actively participate in your classes by asking questions, contributing to discussions, and seeking clarification when needed. Engaging with course material not only enhances your understanding but also fosters a deeper connection with the subject matter and your peers.
  4. Utilise Resources: Take advantage of the resources available to you. Whether it's joining study groups, or attending free afterschool tutoring, don't hesitate to seek help when you need it. Remember, asking for assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness. Free tutoring in the CLC occurs on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. 
  5. Practice Self-Care: Remember to prioritise your well-being amidst the demands of academia. Make time for activities that nourish your body, mind, and soul, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself ultimately enhances your ability to succeed academically.

By incorporating these tips into routine, students will be well-equipped to start the academic year with confidence and enthusiasm.


Here's to a successful and fulfilling year ahead!

Reading Competition Launch  

The term 1 Reading Competition launches on Monday the 19th of February.

All students are encouraged to compete.


Students are asked to read:

  • a book set in a different country
  • a book based on a movie of TV series
  • a book by their favourite author
  • a biography or autobiography of a famous person
  • a non-fiction book

Wonderful prizes are on offer to the first top 10 entries.

Entry forms can be obtained in the CLC.

Broaden your horizons and pick up a book.

Happy reading!

The Class Of 2023 Destination on Data 

The St John’s community is incredibly proud of the class of 2023 who completed VCE via three varied pathways VCE Scored, VCE Vocational Major and VCE Unscored.

Below please find post school destination data for the class of 2023. 

We wish the Year 12 cohort of 2023 every success as they embark on their next chapter.

Year 12 Careers and Pathways Interviews

A reminder to all Year 12 families that Mr. Topham the Careers and Pathways Leader has scheduled to meet with each and every Year 12 student in Term 1.Students are asked to check SEQTA to confirm and attend their scheduled appointment. Mr. Topham will be discussing student aspirations and providing one -on - one expert advice on next steps.


A reminder that the VCE offers three varied pathways that are targeted to support each student.

The ATAR (Scored VCE) is increasingly not used by young people. Statistics highlight this shift and increased study opportunities where an ATAR is not needed.