Attendance at Greensborough College

At Greensborough College, every day is an opportunity for learning, growth, and connection. Recognising the profound impact of regular attendance on students' academic achievements and social development, the college is focussed on ensuring that every student can fully benefit from the rich educational experiences on offer.


Regular attendance is the foundation of educational success. It's not only about being present; it's about actively participating in learning and development. Each day missed is a missed opportunity for personal growth and academic progress. Greensborough College is dedicated to fostering an environment where students are eager to attend, learn, and thrive.


At Greensborough, attendance is recorded through Compass. If a student is away, it is important that the absence and reason for the absence are recorded on Compass by parents and carers. This helps the college account for student whereabouts and collaborate with families in supporting student engagement.


Here's how the college plans to bolster attendance and ensure students are making the most of their education:

  • Proactive Email Notifications: A first line of communication, these emails will alert families about any dips in attendance, keeping them informed and involved.
  • Direct Outreach for Support: Tailoring support to individual needs, Year Level Leaders and the Re-engagement Officer may reach out to discuss strategies to enhance attendance and engagement, offering a personal touch to the college's comprehensive support system.
  • Collaborative Solutions through Meetings: For more significant challenges, the college believes in teamwork. By organising meetings with families, the college aims to work hand-in-hand to address attendance issues, crafting tailored solutions that support students' academic paths.

Greensborough College is more than just a school; it's a community dedicated to the well-being and success of its students. By emphasising the importance of regular attendance, the college is laying the groundwork for a future where every student is equipped to contribute meaningfully to their community.


For any concerns or inquiries about attendance or your child's educational journey, Greensborough College encourages you to reach out. Together, we can ensure our students receive the best education possible, setting them on a path to success.


Your partnership in this endeavour is not just appreciated—it's essential. Thank you for supporting Greensborough College in this important aspect of schooling.